Other Prominent White Supremacists Are Calling For The Resignation Of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam Over A Photo That Depicted What He Really Is, Just Another Coward In A Sheet And Hood And A Fan Of Black Shoe Polish On His Face

Hillary “Lock ALL Blacks Up!” Clinton is all but foaming at the mouth while calling for the resignation of Virginia’s governor, Ralph Northam over a photo recently come to light on his medical school yearbook page. This coming from a woman who claimed that Black youth were ALL SUPER PREDATORS WHO NEEDED TO BE BROUGHT TO HEEL! Seriously?!! Hillary Clinton really wants to feign outrage over Ralph Northam’s KKK outfit and Black face photo op?

“We also have to initiate an organized effort against descendants of slaves…. They are not just ex-slaves anymore. They are often the kinds of fierce Black motherfuckers that are called super predators. No conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel, and the president has asked the FBI to launch a very concerted effort against descendants of slaves, everywhere.” – Hillary Clinton

Hillary and Bill Clinton’s ‘concerted efforts’ consisted of locking up as many descendants of slaves as they could and so is it any wonder that there are over 2.5 million descendants of slaves locked behind prison walls? No indeed not. I get so goddamn sick and tired of stomp down flaming racists pretending to feign outrage over what some other stomp down flaming racist does. What is the point in protesting the likes of your worthless racist ass? Descendants of slaves are well aware that none of you racists are any different from the next because if you were, we would not be in the situation we are in as it pertains to low economic and educational achievements, a school-to-prison pipeline, mass homelessness, gentrification, guns and drugs distributed in our few remaining neighborhoods teeming with prostitution and drug addiction and the list of the like is endless. So Virginia governor Northam decked out in a KKK outfit or in ‘Black face’ is not news to me. I only wish it were.

Northam’s hour-long news conference about a racist photo showing one person dressed in blackface and another in the Ku Klux Klan’s signature white hood and robes in his medical school yearbook page was an inflection point in the saga that now drags into its third day. The bizarre press conference at the governor’s mansion featured denials that he ever dressed up in a KKK robe and hood, pledges that he was never drunk enough to forget a situation like that and a revelation that Northam once did darken his face to resemble Michael Jackson during a dance contest in 1984.

“I believe now and then that I am not either of the people in this photo,” Northam said. “This was not me in that picture. That was not Ralph Northam.”

But the press conference raised more questions than it answered, including how Northam could admit he was in the photo on Friday before taking it all back on Saturday. And why he thought it would help to admit he had once dressed up in blackface as a way to resolve questions about the yearbook photo that features someone in blackface.

On Friday, the governor admitted that he was in the photo, but neglected to state if he was the one in the KKK outfit or if he was sporting ‘Black face’ after having just graduated from medical school, swore an oath to “Do no harm,” and then proceeded to hang his “The doctor is in” shingle up and make sick Black folks, well? And of course we are to believe that Ralph Northam is the only white piece of shit that has done this. He is an anomaly and not the norm? Is this what we are to believe by all the racists calling for Northam’s resignation as if his actions were an absolute and complete surprise to ALL the other racists who have done exactly what Northam has done, only their photos have yet to surface or have been destroyed so as not to share the limelight with Northam?

Gov. Ralph Northam admits he was in 1984 yearbook photo showing figures in blackface, KKK hood

RICHMOND —Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) on Friday acknowledged appearing in a “clearly racist and offensive” photograph in his 1984 medical school yearbook that shows a man in blackface and another in a Ku Klux Klan robe.
“I am deeply sorry for the decision I made to appear as I did in this photo and for the hurt that decision caused then and now,” he said. “This behavior is not in keeping with who I am today and the values I have fought for throughout my career in the military, in medicine, and in public service. But I want to be clear, I understand how this decision shakes Virginians’ faith in that commitment.”

But now governor Northam is suffering from amnesia since one day he admits that he is in the racist photo and the next day he “believes now and then that he is not either of the people in the photo.” It is quite obvious that governor Northam is not well-versed in doing damage control or either his handlers have intentionally threw him under the bus for how can he effectively govern a state when he appears to be suffering from a mental defect? Donald Trump is too but no one has called for his resignation and so it would appear that white men who suffer from severe mental defects should not be called to resign since every single white man who is in politics is suffering from a severe mental defect for if they are not why then is this country descending rapidly into a hell of their making?

There should be no calls for the resignation of Virginia governor Ralph Northam, just as there should be no calls for the resignation of Donald Trump because where would we find a white man who is anything other than that which is depicted in the above photo blatantly displayed in a medical school yearbook? Descendants of slaves literally put their lives in the hands of flaming racists when we go to the doctor. We put our lives in the hands of stomp down flaming members of the Ku Klux Klan when we meet with a lawyer over a personal injury lawsuit. We put our lives in the hands of monsters when we go before judges who, before donning that black robe, just stepped out of a white robe with a hood attached to it. And yet whites cannot for the life of them wonder why descendants of slaves are a ‘thankless lot’? What the hell should we be thanking you for? For having dragged us over here? For having enslaved us? For having whipped and shackled and raped our ancestors? For having experimented on us even as those experiments continue to this day? We are a people who are without a grain of hope because our lives are at the mercy of warped, twisted, sick and deranged, psychopathic, depraved sociopaths and there is none among the lot of you that this does not apply to. You ALL own this, pink-assed motherfuckers! So sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up because you are nothing more than an opportunist who sees a chance to denounce what another of your kind has done only because he didn’t properly cover his shit up or destroy it. You want your fucked up political party in control and so you will pretend for five minutes that you are shockingly appalled over the devil we see when you are just as evil and fucked up as Ralph Northam. We are not fooled by your antics, not for one goddamn second!

Hillary Clinton had the goddamn unmitigated gall to refer to Black youth as ‘SUPER PREDATORS’ when there is no greater SUPER PREDATOR on this planet than those of the pasty-assed variety since who other than those parasites have managed to slither all across this planet stealing, enslaving, raping, pillaging and committing other atrocities all in the name of democracy and humanitarianism when those two words would refuse to even stand side by side with evil so depraved, it should not even exist? You self-righteous, holier-than-thou, stinking, steaming piles of hypocrisy, shut the fuck up! Virginia’s governor Ralph Northam need not step down since what would take his place would be his clone sporting ‘Black face’ underneath a fucking white hood! History has proved time and time again that the white man is the enemy to every blade of grass, every mammal and fish in the ocean, every animal on land and every pitiful descendant of slaves at the mercy of those twisted demons.

But all of a sudden, now that the shit has hit the fan over Northam’s photo, Eastern Virginia Medical School is now going to review their yearbook policy to figure out how this happened.

“In concert with our Board of Visitors’ leadership, I will direct that an external investigation be conducted as soon as possible to review all of our past yearbooks, determine the processes for publishing those yearbooks; discover what, if any, administrative oversight was exercised; examine our campus culture; and provide recommendations for future actions,” school President Dr. Richard Homan said in a statement posted to the school’s website.

“We will move quickly to assemble an appropriate panel to conduct this investigation — a panel of advocates for diversity and inclusion representative of our greater community, including African Americans and other people of color; a diverse panel that can apply a critical eye to this issue,” he added.

Now, there is going to be an ‘external investigation’, now there is going to be a ‘panel of advocates’, now there is going to be talk about ‘diversity and inclusion’, now there is going to be representation of ‘African Americans’ when this photo was initially placed in Eastern Virginia Medical School’s year book in 1984 and now THIRTY-FIVE years later, it is finally time for an investigation. We all should know that this investigation is a crock of shit seeing as how it is the year 2019 and they are just getting around to launching an investigation but only after one of their students is being publicly shamed over his yearbook’s photo choice. And newsflash, people who come here from Africa do not need ‘representation’ and descendants of slaves will never receive ‘representation, due process, or inclusion’ because we are Amerikkka’s shame and guilt, those Africans who willingly come here are not! We will always feel the lash of the whip. We will always be the brunt of racist jokes. We will always suffer for a crime we did not commit. We will always submit our bodies to be experimented on by those who think it funny that we suffer at their hands and die. We will always be the shame of Amerikkka no matter what you do to us because you cannot erase the truth no matter how hard you try. You are what you are. It is bred into you and you freely accept the brand of racism, prejudice, hatred and bigotry that you market because you are an atrocity that is no different from what sired you. Even as you state that you should not be held accountable for what your ancestors put in play, yes you should because you uphold and carry their vile legacy forward every single day and you do it with great relish, just as they did.

And so no, I am never surprised over the vile and atrocious shit that ‘surfaces’ whenever some other racist has an agenda which in this case was the so-called umbrage taken over Northam’s stance on late-term abortions. Northam’s racist picture did not surface because another racist suddenly had an awakening; an epiphany, Northam’s racist picture surfaced because of an alleged agenda over abortion, ‘alleged’ because what racist even cares about the life of a child? When whites will hand their children guns at the age of 7, how on earth could they then turn around and scream and wail against abortion? All whites are defective since you are too busy trying to destroy us than even attempt a cure for what ails you; racism, prejudice, bigotry, hatred and a predilection for murder. But then, without those defects, you wouldn’t exist because they are the essence of you. And that is why you must destroy humanity because you view humanity as an existential threat to your existence.

There is nothing on this planet that can make whites happy since they can have all that money can buy and yet what do they do with it? Build bombs to destroy and kill. Enslave, steal and plunder. Wage war and induce suffering. Destroy the planet while claiming “Victory!” Go ‘vegan’ while killing animals for human consumption. Wipe out entire Indigenous tribes just because they can. “Go green” while buying an SUV. Yes, you are defective and because you are, those of us who are ‘humanity defined’ suffer for it. We are at the mercy of monsters and so save your vile breath! Ralph Northam is no different from the rest of you depraved, defective, monstrous sociopaths!

Black People, It’s Time To Get Armed. — The Eye Wall

Dear T.S.P. Reader, How are you feeling today? Good, I hope. If you need to talk to someone about anything, hit me up at tsp@TheStormyPoet.com. I’m always glad to chat with my readers. *** Time and time again, we see people who either call the cops on us, black folks, for merely existing in public […]

via Black People, It’s Time To Get Armed. — The Eye Wall

“White people, themselves, are not the problem. The system of white supremacy is the problem, and there are people, classified as white and people of all ethnicities, who are committed to combating white supremacy and remedying the damage it has caused to AADOS. So, I can’t paint all white people with one broad brush.” – The Stormy Poet

White people ARE the problem. The ‘system of white supremacy’ exists because OF white people. There would be no such system if not for them and no, they are not ‘committed to combating white supremacy and remedying the damage it has caused to African-American Descendants of Slaves because we would not still be dealing with ‘the system of white supremacy’ if whites indeed, were ‘committed to combating white supremacy’. You give them too much credit where none is due.

In your post, you say,

“every black person should also own a bulletproof vest.”


“I may sound extreme in saying all of that, but, newsflash, we live in extreme times. And, we have to begin, collectively as black people, operating out of a military mind state. When I say that, I don’t mean being hateful, instigating violence, hating white people, nor being irrationally paranoid.

What thinking military-ly means is accepting the reality of the condition we’re living in and that the ultimate goal of those who practice systematic white supremacy is the genocide, for the sake of racial cleansing, of anyone not classified as “white”–that we’re dealing with individuals who are of a demonic and illogical mindset and who cannot be reasoned with.”

But yet, you castigated me for saying,

“I don’t see a problem in hating white people. It is quite obvious that they hate us; the majority of them if not all. And I say this because they are all complicit in what is going down even those who don’t actually initiate violence against descendants of slaves because by their deafening silence, they are most definitely complicit in the violence perpetrated against us by those who look like them. Nor do I think that we can be ‘irrationally paranoid’, given the climate we live in. I just read that some whites are trying to hold a “Whites Civil Rights Rally” in Washington, D.C. That is spitting on the very grave of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and all those who marched and protested alongside him. No one is denying whites any rights and they know this. Those demonic monsters are beyond insane in their depravity and evil. There is no reasoning with that lot and to be paranoid to the point of irrationality when around them is, in my opinion, totally called for.”

I stand by that comment and there is not one lie in it!

But, you are telling descendants of slaves to wear bulletproof vests, arm themselves to the teeth because whites are out for their blood and you even go so far as to use words like ‘militarily’ and demonic, illogical mindset, racial cleansing and genocide when speaking of our need to use military style tactics against a demonic group who has an ‘illogical mindset, that is hellbent on ‘racial cleansing and genocide’ against descendants of slaves and yet you castigate me for saying far less than what you did. Well then, when do we sit down with ‘whites’ for a kumbaya moment? When do we head inside their palaces of worship and sit down beside them to ‘listen to the word of their gawd’ which must be preaching the need for racial cleansing’ of descendants of slaves who would not even be here in the first place if not for what spawned what we are dealing with today? The whites of today are no different from those who spawned their ass because if they were, you would not have felt the need to even write this post because there would have been no need for it. Our Black asses would not even be in AmeriKKKa continuously being subjected to what whites have subjected every other group on this planet that they have come in to contact with. And that contact was never initiated by another group because who in hell would want to meet up with filthy ass whites? I damn sure as hell would not!

Even the Black clergy has taken up with those demonic bastards and are doing their damndest to brainwash Black people into believing in the white man’s gawd; worshiping some blond-haired, blue-eyed devil, who if he ever did exist, would not have sported that hair color or that eye color coming from the particular region he was purported to have come from. Whites invented their so-called religion which is so fucked up, it should be beyond believable.

There are no ‘good’ whites. Where the fuck are they when vile ass shit is going down against descendants of slaves each and every nanosecond? Being held captive? Asleep? Deep in thought? On their knees praying? Printing up a protest sign? Where the fuck are they? If you feel the need to tell us to wear bullet proof vests and arm ourselves against those demons, then where are the ‘good’ whites? I will state it AGAIN, they are nowhere to be found! Why the hell would they massively come to our aid against those who look like them? You seriously think that whites would kill other whites because they are killing us??!! For real! Get a clue! They will never do that! How did the Civil War help descendants of slaves? It didn’t. That war was fought to preserve ‘The Union’. Nobody gave a damn about the slaves because how the hell can you be free when you are ignorant, broke and with nowhere to run? And that bit about sending slaves to what is now called,  Liberia was not even a well thought out plan because what happened to the original inhabitants of that region after ex-slaves descended on them? And after the so-called end to slavery, how many slaves owned land? Hell! They didn’t even know how to read or write and had been given a white man’s name which we still have to this very fucking day!

And as bad as that was, then came the Klan, vagrancy laws or Black codes that kept the so-called ex-slaves in slavery or in jail and prison. Who makes up the majority of inmates inside prisons today? Why…..descendants of slaves, of course. But you say that “there are people, classified as white and people of all ethnicities, who are committed to combating white supremacy.” Like this dude?

Bronx doctor says he’s sorry for posts on white nationalist sites

NEW YORK — A New York doctor says he is sorry for posting comments online supporting a white-only nation and armed racial conflict.

Dr. Dov Bechhofer, a resident radiologist at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, was removed from duty this week after an anonymous article on the blogging site Medium identified him as an online commenter on a website that promoted white nationalism.

The online poster, who wrote under the name “Dov,” called himself an ethnic nationalist and wrote about his opposition to racial intermarriage and support for proposals to expel non-whites from the U.S.

He also said he favored “‘tempered’ anti-Semitism” despite being Jewish himself.

My fucking doctor could be posting comments on white nationalist websites promoting that agenda, but if he says he’s sorry AFTER having been ‘outed’ for doing so, is he still considered one of the ‘good’ guys, or as you say, one of the “people of all ethnicities, who are committed to combating white supremacy?” 

“I am ashamed of the hurtful, unjustifiable words that I posted online that showed callous disregard toward certain minority groups and am deeply sorry for these transgressions,” he wrote. “The posts do not reflect how I was raised or how I actually treat others. I will continue to struggle to understand what brought me to write them.”

Bechhofer’s father is a rabbi who is a leader of the group Orthodox Jews Against Racism and Discrimination, according to The Forward, a news magazine with a mostly Jewish American audience.

Yeah! Dude is so damned ashamed now, but I highly doubt that would have been the case if his identity had never come to light. Yes indeed, we’ve got so many “whites and people of all ethnicities, who are committed to combating white supremacy,” I can hardly fit them on the head of a needle. But go ahead! Keep believing that there are ‘good’ whites because since there are so many of them, you are about to start wearing a bulletproof vest and ‘arm’ yourself against those demonic ‘good’ white shits.

And lastly, I guess this is yet another example of  “whites and people of all ethnicities, who are committed to combating white supremacy.”

Cop admits framing 2 black men as Florida town’s false arrest scandal widens

MIAMI – The federal investigation into a handful of former Biscayne Park police officers accused of framing innocent [Black] people widened this week, when another cop was accused of falsifying arrest warrants for two [Black] men at the direction of the police chief.

Guillermo Ravelo, who was fired from the force earlier this year, pleaded guilty Thursday in Miami federal court to a conspiracy charge that he violated the rights of the falsely accused [Black]men – one charged with a pair of home break-ins in 2013, the other with five vehicle burglaries the following year. The charges against the two men, both black, were eventually dropped.

Ravelo, 37, also pleaded guilty to using excessive force during a Biscayne Park traffic stop in 2013 when he struck a handcuffed [Black] suspect in the face with his fist.

In the aftermath of Atesiano’s indictment in June, the Miami Herald obtained internal public records suggesting that during his tenure as chief, the command staff pressured some Biscayne Park officers into targeting random black people to clear cases.

“If they have burglaries that are open cases that are not solved yet, if you see anybody black walking through our streets and they have somewhat of a record, arrest them so we can pin them for all the burglaries,” one cop said in an internal probe ordered in 2014. “They were basically doing this to have a 100 percent clearance rate for the city.”

Hmmmmm….I am just not finding the “whites and people of all ethnicities, who are committed to combating white supremacy.” But I am sure you will once you don your bulletproof vest and carry your gun since you need to do so because of all the “whites and people of all ethnicities, who are committed to combating white supremacy.” Yeah! Good luck with that.


America’s unspeakable problem: Whites Speaking on ‘African-American’s Crime Rates


stolen from Africa

I was reading a post of a fellow blogger that I follow and this caption caught my eye:

America’s unspeakable problem: African-American’s crime rates

Breitbart is not the kind of news service I rely on, but occasionally even a blind squirrel finds a nut, as in this Nov 2015 story by Jerome Hudson: “5 Devastating Facts About Black-on-Black Crime“.

“In 2012, white males were 38% of the population and committed 4,582 murders. That same year, black males were just 6.6% of the population but committed a staggering 5,531 murders. In other words: black people -– at just a fifth of the size — committed almost 1,000 more murders than their white counterparts.

“The figures above highlight a horrific truth that black racialists and white liberals routinely ignore: Lawbreaking black Americans, young black males particularly, put themselves in close proximity to (mostly white male) police officers at rates sometimes five to 10 times higher than whites.

So yeah, I am going to go to Breitbart when I want fair and balanced reporting especially when that reporting is on descendants of slaves in America.

First of all, right out of the gate, you are wrong because an African-American is an African who immigrated to America, took a Naturalization test and gained his citizenship. Voila! African-American. That is not us. We are not African-Americans. I was not born in Africa and immigrated to America, took a Naturalization test and gained my American citizenship and so then why are we the only generally hyphenated group in America? I guess that is on us as well.

The writer went on to state, in essence, that Black males are literally throwing themselves at the police and so that is why we have so many police involved killings of Black men. No! This is why we have so many police involved killings of Black men.

Texas Officers Fired for Membership in KKK

Two law enforcement officers in Williamson County, Texas, have been fired after it was discovered they were members of the Ku Klux Klan.

County Sheriff John Maspero said there was no evidence the two men, Deputy David Gay, 45, and Sgt. Greg Palm, 29, had committed any acts of discrimination or failed to perform their duties, but said membership in the notorious hate group was sufficient reason to dismiss them.

Officials said they found out the two men belonged to the Klan after they approached another officer and asked him to join.

 He stopped just short of saying that ALL Black men have some sort of ‘crime’ gene in them that renders them incapable of civilized behavior and that the gene they carry needs to be isolated and destroyed so as they can go peacefully about their business and stop murdering one another or throwing themselves at the police who are members of the KKK.  And I am quite sure that the two law enforcement officers in the above block quote are the only ones. Yeah! I’m that delusional. But apparently whites don’t have this gene as they are not murdering other whites at the same rate that Black men are murdering other Black men, they just sign up as KKK members and then join the police force. The editor of this ‘America’s Unspeakable Problem’ post did not say a goddamn thing about the whites who have gone all across this country lynching, shooting and dragging Black men to their deaths because that just ain’t crime right there. That’s justifiable, don’t you know. I fucking swear, my head is going to explode over the sheer outrageous bullshit that appears on my reader.

I went on to post another comment and it reads as follows:

Crime is the result of an ignored problem and the problem in this case is unmitigated poverty, gentrification, homelessness and drug addiction. I live in one of the cities that has been designated a high crime city with a yearly murder rate of over 300.

You go to Breitbart, one of the most right-leaning websites to post your statistics and then try and pretend that you’ve reported on this issue, unbiased when you have not. I can cite statistics from a website that will counter yours and then you can likewise find another website similar to Breitbart to attempt to refute my statistics, meanwhile what does this do for the problem of crime, period? And it is the whites who are always clamoring for lax gun laws and who are shooting each other even at the gun range and who are also the number one killers of each other while cleaning guns or keeping their guns in reach of young children.

Let’s take a look at something.

5 Facts That Shatter the Myth of ‘Black-on-Black’ Crime

Here are 5 facts that prove white-on-white crime is actually the real problem, and that anyone trying to make “black-on-black crime” a major issue is just a racist looking for positive reinforcement of their prejudiced worldview.

1. 84 percent of white murder victims were white

2. Whites kill more whites than black people kill each other

In 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, 2,630 white people killed 3,172 white people, according to FBI homicide statistics. When comparing that to the black population, in which 2,447 African-Americans murdered 2,695 of their own, white-on-white murder is clearly the bigger issue.

. White people commit more crimes than any other race

4. White people kill more members of vulnerable populations than any other race

5. Gang murders are most common among white gangs
While a lot of attention has been given to the gang-related homicides in Chicago’s predominantly-black South side, very little press has been devoted to covering the epidemic of white-on-white gangland murders. As the above chart demonstrates, the majority of gang-related homicides are committed by white people (53.3 percent white, 42.2 percent black), and the majority of white gang murder victims are also white (56.5 percent white, 40 percent black). Have this fact handy the next time someone bemoans “black-on-black” gang violence.

source: http://usuncut.com/black-lives-matter/black-on-black-crime/

Yeah, so have these figures handy the next time you want to mouth off about ‘America’s unspeakable problem….’

You conveniently neglect to mention how violent whites are but their crime statistics are not reported because of who controls the reporting and because the agenda is to make Black people out to be the worst folks breathing while whites always get a free pass. Not on my watch, you don’t! Whites are killing whites, and how, but you didn’t bother to go on and on about that because that’s not something that anyone wants bandied about because let us just focus on the REAL BAD BLACK FOLKS killing each other. I will certainly be blogging about this post, count on it!

And even after I posted this, the situation only deteriorated, just as I thought.

Editor of the Fabius Maximus website Post author

15 February 2017 at 9:22 am


(1) “the problem in this case is unmitigated poverty, gentrification, homelessness and drug addiction.”

All of those factors are real. But African-Americans have far higher crime rates than other races even controlling for that.

(2) “pretend that you’ve reported on this issue, unbiased ”

No, I said exctly the opposite.

(3) ” I can cite statistics from a website that will counter yours and then you”

I look forward to you doing so. I doubt that you can. The numbers you cite ignore the point shown here. We’re talking about rates of violence. Numbers of crimes per thousand, or relative rates of crime between races. You are looking at absolute numbers, which tell us only that African-Americans are only a tenth of the population. Violent crime rates are what matter inside a community, not the aggregate number of crimes in the nation.

(4) “Gang murders are most common among white gangs”

We’re looking at overall violent crime rates. Parsing those into the many specific kinds of violent crimes is irrelevant to the large point made here, although it is important when taking specific public policy actions to address crime.

See what I mean? “No Shelby, we are looking at ‘overall violent crime rates’.” No, he is not. He is talking about crime rates as it pertains to inner cities that are supposedly committed by ‘African-Americans and since African-Americans are those Africans who willingly rowed up to the shores of America and got processed, then he cannot be speaking of descendants of African slaves, but if he was to be speaking of descendants of African slaves, has he forgotten THE reason we are over here? I even addressed that and it was tossed out like yesterday’s garbage as inconsequential to the situation at hand of out-of-control rampaging male descendants of slaves revolting and attempting to overthrow their white oppressors. Ain’t that just the end of enough? How dare all those ‘Nat Turners’ be out and about just attempting to gain their freedom from their oppressors who just sit somewhere pontificating over why there is so much crime among descendants of slaves.

Goddamn it! We would not be here if your ancestors had not been some of the most lazy ass, good for nothings who had no work ethic whatsoever and so went in search of free labor to build up a stolen land. Must I continuously give a history lesson?Print that! Pontificate over that! Be judgmental about that! Go find that on Breitbart, I fucking dare you! But you won’t do that because that is just not your agenda. Your agenda is to attempt to show everyone that there is just something inherently criminal in Black males and so why the police are killing them is no mystery to you. The police are just doing what medical science refuses to do, eradicate the bad gene that must be what is causing the male descendants of slaves to go rogue! Fuck that and you! I am sick to shit of this type of tripe that does nothing but place the blame for what ails Black communities on Black communities and not on where it belongs, whitey white ass!

And once again, for the motherfuckers out there who are dumb as all hell, we would not be here for you to wonder at your leisure over our so-called crime rates if your ancestors had not dragged ours over here. But that is something that you just want overlooked because though you may think yourselves blameless, you are SO not! We don’t want to have to deal with you any more than you want to deal with us! But yet, you want to pretend as if your shit don’t stink. Well goddamn it, it reeks to the stars and back! Your shit is a funky ass, filthy vile and malodorous stench and so accept it because it’s yours! Goddamn it! Your shit ain’t on us, it’s on you! You own this! Yeah! Fucking begin with why the fuck we are here! And then come talk to me!

Lastly, what the fuck are you worried about? We’re fucking not shooting you. Your own goddamn kind is killing you, so worry about your white buddy that lives down the street from you, going the fuck off because he lost his job or he just got back from Afghanistan and can’t distinguish the ‘good guys’ from the ‘bad guys’. He’s more likely to bust a cap all up in your ass. That’s what you pontificate and worry about, you racist son of a bitch!

I Want A White Lover!


I want a white lover
so we can mix our blood
and destroy my people
like Noah’s flood.

I want a white lover.
I don’t care about me
or the fact that our children
won’t know their history.

I want a white lover
in my bed tonight.
I’m hungry for his love
and it feels so right.

I want a white lover;
a Black man won’t do.
I need a white man
to prove my worth; my value.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

Now, I believe that my readers are smart enough to read between the lines and to know the true meaning of this poem. This poem was written because as I stated earlier in another poem of mine, I have been sitting back quietly watching the shit hit the fan. I noticed how all hell broke loose when Beyoncé Knowles put on a Super Bowl Half-time show that depicted certain images that stand for Black power, The Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter and that white folks by the scores took offense. To those who took offense, fuck you! And to the Black motherfuckers that are looking in the face of your white mate and the children you produced with him/her, fuck you too.

I will admit that I went out on a date with a ‘white’ man and it was the mistake of my life and that shit will never happen again. Much more to the point is that I could never lie down with a white man and produce a half and half. Not going to happen. I refuse to contribute to the dilution of the Afrikan blood that is running through my veins. The white motherfuckers are hell bent on getting that done. It is shoved down our throats, daily; in print, on the big screen and on the little screen. This is exactly why I refuse to purchase a TV. I will not have that constant ‘in our face’ shit that whites who control the media feed us. I will not be subliminally messaged that interracial dating and marriage is ‘hip’; a la mode.

The main focus seems to be to pair Black women with white men and yet in the not so distant past, Black men were lynched for merely looking at a white woman. But no Black man had better lynch a white man for looking at a Black woman and quite frankly, it does not seem that Black women are having a problem with white men not just looking at them, but also fucking them eight ways to Sunday. The same can be said for the white women that lust all up and down on some Black men. So, what is this? Payback for the fact that the white shits that control the media can’t stop white women from lusting after and craving Black men and so they now focus on Black women lusting after white men? Those see-through skinned shits are the devil’s own spawn and the reason why Black women, children and men are shot dead, daily on the mean streets of every shitty city in this shithole called, AmeriKKKa! I will not condone the destruction of the Negro race by dead white filth.

So, come on up in here with some shit and I promise to wipe the cyber floor with your ass! I fucking dare you to post some shit about let’s all come together and sing, “Kumbaya!” The white motherfuckers have stole everything from us and to continue to get this done is to mix our blood with theirs, thereby diluting us out of history. We are not even in the goddamn history books, as it is. Or if so, by way of lies, lies and damn lies of Black people having immigrated to AmeriKKKa to work good paying jobs alongside the Irish and other immigrants or the lie that happy slaves baked birthday cakes for presidents. The lies just never stop and the genocide of the Black populace never stops.

You say, you should be able to love who you want. Okay, that’s fair. But answer this. What thing can love? Because only a thing could continuously commit genocide against humans; Indians and Negros. And so, that thing, Black folks, that you think loves you, cannot. How many white children have been poisoned like the Black children in Flint, MI were poisoned? How many whites live on Reservations? How many white KKKops have filled Black bodies with hundreds of bullets? The numbers are astounding. How many racist white judges have sentenced innocent Black people to death row? The numbers are astounding. How many racist white women have screamed “Rape” when caught with a Black man and got out of any ‘trouble’ by doing so and an innocent Black man was lynched or imprisoned? That shit can’t love you because it’s not human! But you’ll have to wait until it calls you or your children “Nigger!” before you figure it out! Hope that its not holding an assault weapon when it does! You’ll certainly know your worth; your value, then! You can’t marry your way into ‘white privilege’, you’ve got to be born with ‘white privilege’ and Black-assed as you are, you’ll never qualify!

Pay My Goddamn Claim!


I don’t give a damn about this country.
And hell no! I never will.
So, you say that I should leave.
I’ll leave when they pay my bill.

These motherfuckers owe me.
And the account is way past due.
If the Jews got paid for the holocaust,
why didn’t slavery earn some revenue?

Oh that’s right, I’m a Black sheep.
And not the anointed chosen one.
I’m descended from slaves in the field
And from those kissed by the sun.

What was wrong then is wrong today.
And the game is still the same.
Forget about hearing me praise this shit.
Just pay my goddamn claim!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

I refuse to let this shithole forget who built it. Built on the backs of my ancestors who received not a goddamn dime in payment for services rendered. It’s past time to pay up. They’re dead, but we’re here to collect. Every goddamn body else can receive compensation for wrongs throughout history except for the slaves and their descendants. Our ancestors did not come here willingly to build this godforsaken shithole and then the descendants get treated like dogs and jailed and killed, indiscriminately. This country don’t mean shit to me and it never will. And I have no problem making this fact, well known. I would never take up arms in defense of this shit. Defend what? The slaughtering of innocent people all over the world? Hell! It started with the Indians and then just continued to present day. What’s changed? Not a goddamn thing! This country started out with blood on its hands and has had no problem with maintaining the status quo ever since. Who are the shits that initiate and instigate this? Oh, yeah! You know! We ALL know! The truth is ugly and that’s why it always gets ‘whitewashed’. Well this is a ‘whitewash’ free zone. And it’s also a bullshit free zone. I don’t pretty shit up. I tell it like it is!

And don’t hand me no bullshit about what’s going on in Africa. I’m in America, goddamn it! Whatever’s going on in Africa, they didn’t drag my ancestors to America and now we have the classroom to prison pipeline called, the new ‘slavery’? Exactly!

Make sure to read the announcement real good. One hundred and fifty Negroes in fine form, for sale. And today, there’s over a million of them for sale to the prison industrial complex. What the fuck’s changed?

Another Young Black Male Dead, Another Protest Rally to Attend

What: We Are Terrance Franklin Solidarity Rally/March When: Saturday, August 17th at 1:00p.m. Where: Downtown Minneapolis Hennepin County Government Center Why: Another ridiculous excuse for the killing of another young Black male by the police
What: We Are Terrance Franklin Solidarity Rally/March
When: Saturday, August 17th at 1:00p.m.
Where: Downtown Minneapolis Hennepin County Government Center
Why: Another ridiculous excuse for the killing of another young Black male by the police

On May 10th, Terrance Franklin was shot to death by Minneapolis police after allegedly fleeing from a traffic stop and breaking into a house to get away from the police. Somehow, in the ensuing melee, the police claim that Terrance Franklin grabbed an officer’s gun, fired two shots hitting two officers in the leg and all the while, a police dog was restraining him and even though he was surrounded by police, at the same time, Mr. Franklin was also being shot in the back of his head five times and twice in the back.

That just makes too much sense for me to even believe.

According to the family of the victim, the police did not let them view their son’s body, nor did they give them any answers as to what really occurred. The information that Terrance Franklin was shot five times in the head and twice in the back was leaked and no one from the police department claimed responsibility for the leaked information. Meanwhile, the attorney hired by the family to seek answers, was given a video recording of the events captured after the shooting in which it has been stated that racial slurs can be heard being uttered by the police officers surrounding the scene.

Again, we have another cover-up of excessive force by ‘the force’ against yet another young Black man. This is prevalent all across America. If you take a look at the law suits that have been settled, you will find the majority are the result of police brutality against young Black men. Below is one among thousands.

Fired Minneapolis cop, now with St. Paul, accused of excessive force again

A former Minneapolis police officer, the subject of a lawsuit in the 1990s that the city settled for $500,000, is now a St. Paul police sergeant and again accused of excessive force.

A 32-year-old man alleges in a federal lawsuit that he was left with a broken jaw and fractured vertebrae after an encounter with St. Paul officers Paul Cottingham and Craig Rhode.

Here’s another one.

City to pay out $3 million for death in police misconduct lawsuit|MPLS.|StarTribune.com http://www.startribune.com/local/blogs/208860951.html

The Minneapolis City Council approved a $3.075 million settlement on Friday to resolve a federal lawsuit filed by the family of David Smith, a 28-year old Minneapolis man who was killed during a struggle with two police officers at a downtown Minneapolis YMCA in 2010.

The death of Smith raised questions about putting a suspect on his stomach, and holding him down by putting knees on his back, known as prone restraint. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner ruled the death a homicide.

We, the citizens of these cities, are paying the price of racism and police brutality that is rampant in police departments all across America because it is our tax dollars that are paying for the settlement of these cases. And yes, I do realize that it is not just young Black men who are victims of police brutality(see:https://shelbycourtland.wordpress.com/2013/02/23/americas-corrupt-and-brutal-police-force.com…) however, Black males are a ‘minority’ in America but they make up the ‘majority’ of victims of police brutality and murder by police and a majority in incarceration rates.

Finally, let me ask this question AGAIN!!!!! Why the hell are we here(in America)? So then I ask, just what the hell is YOUR problem with us????!!! How simple can I make this? Those of us who are descendants of African slaves did not come to America, willingly. We are here through NO fault of our own. Our historical past with this country is not OUR fault and I for one am sick and damn tired of people of my complexion getting the shit knocked out of us for having the audacity to be descended from people who were DRAGGED over here to become slaves!! So because of your racism and your vicious hate, another young Black man is dead and I am attending yet another protest rally. Goddamn it to hell!! Even if this young man was guilty of a traffic stop violation and he chose to run, getting shot by the police five times in the back of the head and twice in the back is not justified. It is extreme deadly force, to say the least. And again, there are no answers(no believable answers), there are only questions, remaining unanswered.

Taken from: “Oh Child of Mine”

Oh child of mine, what have they done?
My baby was killed, you murdered my son.

With a broken heart, I search for answers.
There are none, just lots of questions.

There is so much wrong every where and I cannot be every where at once to speak out, but I will be speaking out tomorrow in downtown Minneapolis. And here we go again!