This Homeless White Dude Has Been A Drunk Since Age Seven When He Saw His Cousin’s Brains Blown Out

On a bus today, a white man sat across from me, and for some strange reason, handed me a homemade bracelet and proceeded to start up a conversation. Someone else was sitting beside him, but he chose me to tell his life story to. I couldn’t hear very much of it, but I did catch bits and pieces. And I really don’t believe this actually happened because mental illness among the homeless is real, but on the off chance that his story is true, I’ll tell it as I heard it from him.

He told me that at the age of seven, he went over to his cousin’s house, whom he felt deep affection for, and when he went inside the kitchen, he found his cousin, sitting at the table with a .45 caliber weapon still clutched in her hand, her brains were splattered everywhere and beside her on the kitchen table, was a half full bottle of bourbon. 

He just stood dumbfounded and frightened. Finally, he called his dad and told him what he had found, and his dad told him to take everything of value out of the house so that those piece of shit relatives of his cousin, didn’t get their hands on it. He told me that his dad also said to him, “Bury the body.” 

Now, remember, this dude says that he was a mere seven years old at the time, had just found his dearly beloved cousin with her brains splattered all over the kitchen and he was told by his dad to steal stuff and bury the body. What this man told me he did was to go find some gasoline and then he set the entire house on fire. When his dad arrived, his dad asked him why he had torched the place. He told his dad that he was not strong enough to bury the body. When his dad found him, he was sitting on top of a sawed-off tree trunk, drinking the rest of the bourbon that was left over from his cousin’s bottle. This was the start of a downward spiral of alcohol and drugs, up to present day, and through many years of inpatient and outpatient rehab and back to drink and drugs. He has never gotten over it. 

After that, he took to raising hunting dogs and he told me that one day, he woke up and there was blood all around him. One of the hunting dogs had gone hunting and had savaged a multitude of animals and dragged them back to him. Back to rehab, he went.

This man went on and on and on in that vein and all I could do was stare in open-mouthed dismay. Of course, I handed him some money and told him that I was going to write about his “story” since I showcase the homeless and like to make it personal because people really just don’t care anymore.

People have often told me that I have something that just draws them to me. I can be sitting out on the street, waiting for a bus and someone will walk pass me and then come back, break down in tears, and tell me how their brother died 10 years ago that day, and they just needed someone to talk to. I was that person. I am always that person. I just wish that I had what it takes to really help people. Maybe I am helping in my own unique and special way, and I just don’t know if I have touched someone in a special way with the gift that I seem to have for drawing people to me. It’s been that way all my life.

As much as I rail against whites and damn near everyone else, when I am out and about, it matters not if the person is white, Black, Mexican or what, if I see them in need, they get a meal and/or money from me, as well as a listening ear. Sometimes, that is all that people need; just to know that someone is willing to really SEE them, listen to them and care.

I have a serious potty mouth on this blog. I am completely aware of that and the reason for that is because this is MY outlet for when I have reached MY limit and in here, I can go off the deep end and who does it really hurt? No one really, because those whom I meet on the streets they know the real me, the caring, kind, thoughtful, compassionate and empathetic me. They don’t get the vitriolic virago who writes this blog. They never get that. I would not subject them to that because as I always call the homeless since I was recently among their number, the “low places” friends. “All of my friends are in low places.” That is where I met many of the people whom I now call, “friend,” out on the streets, in low places.

I can’t make any of you who read this blog of mine, care about the people I write about or showcase on this blog, but I am going to write their stories. I am going to showcase the faces of the homeless because they are not just some stinking, piece of hopeless flotsam, drifting about; they are human beings, just like you, who happen to not have a home. But, once, they too, had a home, however, due to circumstances, they no longer have a home. And dude on the bus told me that the only problem he would ever have with anyone is if he saw them hurting someone, other than that, he does not judge people.

There are so many people like this ‘dude on a bus’ that I have met, have shed tears of rage over the fact that we leave people out on the streets to die, and we don’t even care. Thankfully, though, there are bus drivers who will give these people free rides because oftentimes when they get up on the bus, they ask the driver if they can get a courtesy ride, the driver usually says, “Yes.” If the driver says, “No,” when I’m on the bus, I pay for their ride. Am I wealthy? Y’all know the answer to that, but as long as I have some money on me, if a homeless person needs bus fare, they got it. If they need a meal, they got it.

When I was homeless for eight months, I never begged. I was too stubborn and despite being broke as shit, hungry as hell, I would go days on end without touching a morsel of food or drink, but I survived. One day, I was at Weis Food Market, picking up some water and a few items of food to take back to my hotel, and the water was so heavy, I dropped it on the floor, sighed and bent down to pick it up and a voice said, “I got you!” It was a white lady coming towards me from the other end of the aisle. She bent down and picked the water up, placed it on my walker and asked me if she could give me a ride home. I broke down and cried because I had to tell her that I was homeless and that thankfully, for the next few nights, I was able to afford a hotel. She told me to wait by the exit door for her after I had checked my groceries out and she drove me back to the hotel. She gave me the name and number to her church and told me that she hoped to see me there on Sunday. Of course, I never went since I don’t believe in organized religion. But I will never forget her doing something nice for me.

Another lady saw my homeless signs that I had made to showcase homelessness and she came up to me and asked me if she could buy me lunch, I thanked her profusely and told her that even though I was now ‘housed’, I was on the streets protesting with my signs to bring awareness of the plight of the homeless to the attention of the masses. I still go out on those streets with my signs. Every dime that someone hands me, even though I tell them that I am not panhandling and that I am just trying to keep the fact that mass homelessness is more of an epidemic than people think, I give it back to the homeless. But that’s me.

And so, I told this dude’s story, as much of it as I could catch since a bus is loud and I couldn’t quite catch it all. He told me his name and even though I asked for it again, and he told me, I just couldn’t quite catch it. But I hope he knows that I will never forget him, just as I will never forget any of those whom I met when I was homeless and in my current endeavors to bring the plight of the homeless to the forefront. I will never stop, and it is not just because I could be in that same predicament again since I have been homeless more times than I can shake a stick at, it is because I care!

Be Me Day After Day!

Is he less than YOUR pet? Yeah, he is! That's why HE is homeless!

I long for warmth and a touch
from another human being.
I’ve been alone for far too long,
and my humanity is fleeing.

I’ll soon be like an animal.
I’m headed down that route.
I’ve seen so many lose their mind.
there go I, without a doubt.

But I live just like an animal,
when I forage around for food,
and settle down in doorways.
In my pants, the shit has oozed.

I’ve not the niceties of life.
This is my reality.
Can you stomach what I do?
I’ve got no time for pleasantry.

Did you think I’d stay the same,
when I’m outdoors, night and day?
How would you feel if you were me,
just what would people say?

If I’m not human, neither are you,
when your pets are cared for more.
They’re not put out on the streets.
Nor are they ever shown the door.

Will you stop and just consider,
that I shouldn’t live this way?
Can you imagine what it’s like,
to be me, day after day?

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

I am also going to add this. When I was coming back home, the bus passed by a stop that has been closed for over a month, and at that bus stop, were dozens of what looked like folks from south of the border. Those people were congregated at a bus stop as though they had no place to go. Buses have been instructed NOT to stop at that particular bus stop anymore and what’s troubling is that this particular bus stop was one of the most used bus stops in the area. One street over from that bus stop is this!

A homeless encampment that has a majority Black population. So, those south of the border, who have come here in hopes of finding a land of ‘milk and honey’, are afraid to congregate in homeless encampments of those who’ve been homeless here for decades. We’ve got segregated homeless encampments. 

The picture below is a homeless encampment of mostly Native Indians. I guess soon, those from south of the border will manage to find a spot and throw up a homeless encampment. The situation is beyond sad for ALL groups.

So, folks, as the poem goes, “Be ‘them’ day after day.” Could you stomach it? Could you survive? Could you maintain your mental health? I hope you never have to find out if you could or not.


Illegals Want LEGAL Help When Faced With Evictions! Damn! I Just Can’t Make This Up!

Wow! Now, here I was just recently given the heave-ho by my former landlord for paying the rent early for five years, was sent into homelessness, but the illegals can get apartments without any papers and when they fall behind on the rent payments, they now want legal help. Anything ELSE we can do for you ILLEGALS? Just let us know, by ALL means!

Evictions are on the rise — and it’s harder for this group of tenants

Marta, an agricultural worker in Bakersfield, California, and a mother of six, is desperately trying to hold on to the apartment where she’s been living with her family but, like a growing number of Americans, she’s facing eviction.

“I have been living there for almost eight years now and I have never been late. I have spoken so that they wait for me while I look for help and all that, but right now — everything has been delayed,” said Marta, whose last name is being withheld since she lacks legal immigration status and fears repercussions for speaking out.

Awwww! Poor illegal Marta, she has been living in Bakersfield, CA for eight years, ILLEGALLY and now that rents are skyrocketing as is food and other essentials, she is having a hard time staying in this country, illegally. What to do? What to do? Seek legal help?

Those who lack legal status are often afraid to dispute a case in court for fear of being deported, he said.

Marta, don’t worry about getting deported, you know, you’ll just come back and since Joe Biden’s immigration policies are more beneficial to illegals, you have no need to worry about accessing legal help since you are more welcome over here than my black ass. Dear, dear Marta, I just spent EIGHT MONTHS on the streets of this shithole and I had paid my rent as well and there was no LEGAL help for me either. Why are you better than I am? Oh, my bad! Because the Biden Administration WANTS your illegal ass over here. Me? Not so much! My usefulness is over and yours has just begun seeing as how you are to become the Democrats’ new voting bloc.

Folks, tell Marta and the other illegals that we ALL need to be taught Spanish since Amerikkka will finally get an official language, SPANISH. Ole Marta here will have more income than she’ll know what to do with since she has a lot of gringos to teach Spanish to.

Oh damn! I didn’t even hone in on this little tidbit:

Marta, an agricultural worker in Bakersfield, California

White folks, you really need to give ole Marta here her green card since we ALL know that you whites ain’t about to bend over fields of string beans, squash, corn, tomatoes, potatoes and all the other assorted vegies that you run to the grocery store and purchase. And don’t even glance at my black ass because if you think that I’m going to continue on as my slave ancestors did, think again. They were paid not one thin dime for the slaving away they did to build this country in order for you shits to have wealth handed down to you, while the descendants of slaves are living like shit today; having to endure homelessness, hookworm dripping out the ass, typhus and that bio-weapon Covid while ole Marta, the illegal worries about getting evicted. Ole Marta can just creep her ass on back across the border and deal with the drug cartels and gangs and whatever hell is in store for her in Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, El Salvador, Columbia and etc., brought to you by the whites who’ve seen to it that every damn body needs drugs to deal with the horrifying shit they’ve let loose all across this fucked up planet.

Teresa Flores, who’s also an agricultural worker in Bakersfield, said she’s still paying monthly for an apartment she withheld rent for a few months, following extensive water damage that ruined most of her furniture and forced her to vacate.

Ahhhh! The plot thickens! And here we have yet ANOTHER AGRICULTURAL WORKER IN BAKERSFIELD CA!! “ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), set up shop in Bakersfield, CA near and around fields of vegetables. As the illegals head in to pick the produce purchased in grocery stores by whites, pick ’em up and deport them and then stand by the gate because they’ll be attempting to come back.”

Again, somebody tell Marta, since you know she’s bending over some vegetable patch in or near Bakersfield CA, that she has no need to worry about getting deported because your white asses are not about to take such a menial job as bending your damn pasty backs over no fields of vegetables and that since my black ass has flat out, stomped my damn foot over NOT taking up where my ancestors left off, then that means that ole Marta is MUCH needed over here to lend her back to the cause of getting those vegetables picked and inside grocery stores all across this shithole so that “broke shoppers” can go in and have their pick, right after they shit on the sidewalk on the way in. Now every damn body’s happy! For the love of !!!

A woman appears to be defecating in a bus shelter on the streets of San Francisco, California on Friday, April 14, 2023. Flight Risk for Fox News Digital

That’s right! Take a shit and then go inside and “broke shop” at one of the few remaining hood grocery stores. Grind that capitalism shit to a halt!! Carry on!!!!!

Me? Celebrate Memorial Day? Not Bloody Likely!


On a blog I posted in April of 2018, titled, “Americans Are Too Stupid To Realize That America Is A Fake Ass Disneyland! Smoke and Mirrors, People! Smoke and Mirrors! Read The Comments On This Article And Get A Damn Clue,” a comment posted on that blog made me sit and think for a spell. Below is the comment from qnubian528.

“People who aren’t from America had always see US “the big apple,the land of the thousand opportunities!”
That’s bullshit! What I always understood isn’t country of thousands opportunities,where “inequality” is a host,you can’t call civilize country where its own people can’t have free access on healthcare,but you can have free access to guns or every accessories that can kill human being!
Wow America country of thousands opportunities one of the bullshit I’ve ever heard!”

This bears repeating: “civilize country where its own people can’t have free access on healthcare, but you can have free access to guns or every accessories that can kill human being!”

That is so indicative of what this fucked up country stands for, it ain’t even funny. And millions do not have access to free healthcare and for those who do have access to healthcare, that healthcare is substandard. Only the rich can get great healthcare. The rest of us are dealing with healthcare that is comparable to what passed for healthcare in 1810 since what the fuck has changed as it relates to healthcare since? More women, especially Black women are dying in childbirth in what is supposed to be a ‘developed’ country than ever before, but in all actuality is more like a third world country. How in the world are people dying from childbirth in America? That makes no sense whatsoever, not unless it is ALL done by design and then it makes perfect sense.

And what about the shit that’s always on the news, the fact that yet another American has gone on a rampage and murdered multiple people and after the fact, law enforcement then finds a stash of assault weapons, multiple rounds of ammunition and enough guns and ammo to kill thousands. Meanwhile, the shooter’s mental health is questioned.

But now it is time to celebrate why hundreds of thousands of Americans have died in so many wars, I’ve lost count. It is time to celebrate the fact that this country loves war. America is in love with war and don’t say that it is not because if America was not in love with war, why then in the year 2019, is this country STILL at war and STILL trying to find some country to be at war with? War is ALL this country has ever known. The first ‘illegal’ colonizers warred with the Indians for this land and that set the standard; if you want something, go to war. If you want someone else’s land, go to war. If you want to build the country on the backs of another continent’s people, battle those people for their people, subdue them and then take the people from that continent. If you want some country’s oil, go to war and kill them and take over their oil. If you want an American company to be able to strip another country of its natural resources, go to war against that country. For whatever contrived reason, this country MUST be at war.

However, I refuse to celebrate war because that is exactly what we are doing when we celebrate Memorial Day. We are honoring, not a need for people to have died in wars, we are honoring the fact that people fought in elective wars. And what does ‘elective’ mean? It means we ‘chose’ to go to war. We did not have to, but because this nation is a nation of warmongers and war hawks, this is why we celebrate war. Don’t hand me that bullshit about how we are honoring our ‘war dead’ since they did not have to die. They did not have to suit up and be sent to foreign shores to die over an elective war; a war of choice. It has been stated that this country has been at war for over 220 of its 242 year history. This is what we are celebrating and believe me, that is nothing to celebrate. You people are sick and twisted who go around celebrating this shit with parades and cookouts and some more shit!

People don’t have free healthcare because our money is being spent on killing people and claiming what’s not ours to claim. We glorify guns and screech about the 2nd Amendment as if that is the only Amendment that’s worth a damn! All other Amendments pale in comparison to the 2nd Amendment especially seeing as how the 13th Amendment did not abolish slavery for if it did, there would not be over 2.3 million Black slaves sitting all up in prisons on bullshit drug charges, slaving away making shit for free to be sold by corporations and quite frankly, the 1st Amendment don’t mean shit either since what the hell is free speech these days when people can be jailed for publishing the fact that this shithole committed untold war crimes and crimes against humanity and free speech is being curtailed even as I type this? If some platform that I use to get my message out has a problem with my message, then my message gets shut down. And we all know that only whites own the platforms that people use to be heard. The news coverage is brought to us by white faces. Those who own the networks are all white. Those who own the newspapers and magazines are all white. Every media platform is owned by whites and whites have long been known for re-writing history to gloss over the vile ass shit they do and they are at it to this very day. And of course, whites are behind the celebrating of war with this Memorial Day celebration bullshit whereas we celebrate people who have died fighting in elective wars by hosting parades, throwing cookouts and watching baseball games. So go to a parade, munch down on a hotdog and then attend a baseball game, but don’t forget to take advantage of all those Memorial Day savings at the few remaining brick and mortar stores or better yet, order some plastic shit on Amazon and demand that it get to you the same fucking day because you’re celebrating war!

This bears repeating! “”Americans Are Too Stupid To Realize That America Is A Fake Ass Disneyland! Smoke and Mirrors, People! Smoke and Mirrors!” And I am quite sure that there are thousands of stupid ass Americans who will be lined up at Disneyland and at Disney World to celebrate war! And when Disneyland and Disney World close for the evening, that fake ass Cinderella will drag her tired ass to Motel 6 until her ‘magical’ shift begins the next day. Don’t fucking think about that or about the fact that those workers at Disneyland and Disney World are living like shit! Their lives are certainly not the stuff of dreams, but of nightmares of food insecurity, no healthcare, back breaking work, long hours in the heat and rain, motel living quarters and thankless Disneyland patrons.

Me? Celebrate Memorial Day? Not bloody likely!

War Is Always Such A Blessing!

War is always such a blessing
It never is distressing or depressing.
I know all too well that this is true.
War has been good for me and you.

You proudly give your lives up for the rich.
For us, life never is a bitch.
In a blaze of glory, you go out.
And really, that’s what it’s all about.

The drone operators are so brave
as they send little children to their grave.
Since the world has become a battleground,
the drums of war make a lovely throbbing sound.

Teach your sons and your daughters about their duty.
And one day, when they are dead, we’ll make a movie.
It will honor their brave and noble deeds.
The wounded, we shall see to all their needs.

Through war, we bring peace unto this earth.
And though you break out in dubious peals of mirth,
the last laugh will always be on you,
for none of what is written is ever true.

When we put a lethal weapon in your hand,
and send you to die in a foreign land,
your life means nothing, you should know,
but you never give pause, you just go.

War is not only just a blessing,
to us, it is also quite refreshing,
that you are so willingly prostituted,
and it’s all because you are just too stupid,
to understand that if it were not for you,
no drone would ever strike on cue!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2015 Shelby I. Courtland

Yes indeed, war IS ALWAYS such a blessing! War is a blessing because we get a day off to attend parades, eat hot dogs, drink beer and be thankful over how ‘free’ we are that we can still board an airplane after having been molested and radiated. We are free!

Yes indeed, war IS ALWAYS such a blessing! War is a blessing because we get to sit on our fat asses and forget about all the people who were killed by our sons protecting what? Freedom? We don’t have ANY freedom! Try not going through security to board an airplane and your ass will land in jail so fast, you won’t even have time to collect your wallet. Try protesting longer than your ‘permit’ allows and you’ll find your ass in jail so fast, your head will be spinning. Try lounging around on a sidewalk while homeless and see how free your ass is. You’ll be locked up before you can count to two. Try selling some un-taxed cigarettes on a New York street and if you’re a descendant of slaves, you’ll be choked to death and your killer will walk free. Try being a child descendant of slaves playing in a park with a TOY gun and you’re dead, two seconds after the official slave patrols pull up on you! Try driving down the goddamn street and you’ll end up dead, hanged in a Texas jail because you’re a Black woman. Try going to the hospital because you feel ill and you’re Black-assed, you’ll end up in the morgue. Yeah, wars are fought to protect NO freedoms that we go on and on about since we love the illusion of freedom which is why we love Disneyland and Disney World. We love our illusions! War is for other people to fight! But you’re fine because you’ve got a ticket to Disneyland!

Yes indeed, war IS ALWAYS such a blessing for the warmongers and war hawks who are in bed with the makers of the war weapons(Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Crew), you know who the warmongers are. They are AmeriKKKa’s politicians; Barack ‘Nobel Peace Prize Insane’ Obadroner, KillarE ‘Whitewater scandal Benghazigate Emailgate Big ass Jockstrap’ Clinton, Bernie “I believe in the drone program” Sanders, Combover “Build A Wall to Keep THOSE Illegals Out, Never mind us pink-assed motherfuckers, Indians? What Indians?” TrumpDump! And who makes the war machine possible? Why, our sons and soon…our daughters because the military generals have said that it is high time women saw some combat action. And guess why women are now necessary for the military. Can’t guess? You’re celebrating WHY! The ‘troops’ are dead, dying and committing suicide from being fucked up in the head after having been deployed too many goddamn times! You don’t get that? No, of course you don’t because all you know is that today gave you an excuse to sit back and indulge in too much alcohol, hot dogs and sun! Burn motherfuckers! Burn! Because one of these days, your turn is coming. So, eat, drink and be merry since you don’t really give a damn for the war dead because if you did, the last thing you would be doing in honor of their memory, is eating, drinking and sitting at a goddamn parade!

And when the troops do make it back to America from having whored themselves out to the warmongers and war hawks and they need some anti-suicide help, where is your ass after you finish sitting at the parade grounds, stuffing your face on hotdogs? You are nowhere to be found to man the suicide hotlines for those fucked up in the head soldiers that make it back.

“VA Suicide Hotline! Hold, Please!”

The VA, has been swamped with calls since opening in 2007. The volume increased from fewer than 10,000 in 2007 to more than 500,000 last year, according to a recent Government Accountability Office report.

A 2010 calculation by the VA estimates that 22 veterans kill themselves each day. The VA, which has not updated that estimate, says the hotline “rescues” 30 veterans from suicide each day.

Some workers handle only one to five calls each day and leave before their shifts end even though phone lines have gotten busier, the emails say. As a result, 35% to 50% of the calls roll over to back-up centers where workers have less training to deal with the emotional problems of former service members.

So, the people who are trained to deal with potential suicides handle only one to five calls a day? For real? And after having listened to one suicidal former service member, they are out the door and oh what a great day it is, eh? Then, those who are on backup are sitting somewhere looking cross-eyed for lack of training or know-how in dealing with the ’emotional problems’ that they are hearing from the former servicemen. Go figure!

You sit somewhere on your stupid ass and think that “thank you for your service” gets the job done when you know damn well that a fucked up in the head veteran needs more than your worthless ass ‘thank yous’. What the hell are they supposed to do with a “thank you?” Cure their mental illness with it? House themselves with it? Stop drinking because of it? Take it and use it as a prosthetic? You brain dead, dumb as all hell Americans make me sick with your reasoning that you should always be able to take the easy way out. As long as you don’t have to suit up and kill someone you’ve never met, what’s the big deal? Well the big deal is that this is yet another reason why you are going to pay for this shit. This is why your shit is continuously getting flooded and hit with tornadoes and some more shit because you don’t give a damn about anybody besides your own worthless hide. I am SO very glad that millions of you are sitting somewhere moaning and wailing over the fact that life as you know it has ended. And I am SO very glad that millions more of you are soon to join them and so believe me, you have absolutely nothing to celebrate! I guarantee it! Fuck you and fuck your Memorial Day celebrations! They and you are meaningless!

Cancer Causing 5G Technology Coming To A Flooded Out Tent Near You!

I am pretty sure that most of you are aware that 5G cellphone technology is about to be rolled out since you, apparently, have no problem with getting cancer so long as you can stream bullshit movies and play dumbass video games and fight on Facebook and Twitter with blazing fast speed. Corporations know that the average person is stupid as hell and will embrace the cause of their own demise if it will get them blazing fast download speeds so that they can in all actuality, do nothing, but do it fast. Companies are fighting to be the first to bring 5G technology to as many brain dead cretins as they can, but those same companies are not telling their brain dead customers that along with blazing fast download speeds comes blazing fast cancer diagnoses, especially melanoma diagnoses. If your stupid ass has not seen a cancer patient, then let me clue you in, they are writhing in mortal agony from a pain so fierce that even truckloads of morphine cannot stop the pain. They literally scream themselves to death and that is what’s coming for you! And for those of you who are of the Caucasian persuasion, I’d think twice about embracing 5G technology if I were you because even though that monstrous shit is going to kill us all, many of you are going to go first thanks to the fact that you’ve no melanin to counter the waves of radiation that will pour through your pallid skin.

Those of us who are most hated by you have some layer of protection thanks to the melanin in our skin, but even so, that will be no match for continuous waves of radiation pouring into our bodies from 5G technology that wireless companies are trying to throw up everywhere. And newsfuckingflash, don’t think for one minute that this technology can be thrown up in ghettos and hoods and still be received by you and not cause you any problems because 5G is the 5th generation of cellular technology and needs shorter waves to function at a high speed. So that shit’s going to need to sit right outside your home; not over in the hood or down by way of the ghetto, but right beside your house. And the whole entire time that it is sitting right outside your door, it will be fucking your ass up and that of your children. You whites are already eyeball deep sitting all up in Dermatology clinics nationwide, now just think of how many more of you are about to join your fellow pale skins. I’ll tellya, millions. Now think on that!

When Is 5G Coming to the US? (Updated for 2019)
5G isn’t yet widely available, but it’s coming!

US 5G Rollout

Verizon: Fixed and mobile 5G is live in a few areas
AT&T: Mobile 5G for select customers in 19 cities; wider coverage in 2019
T-Mobile: Commercial 5G launch in second half of 2019; nationwide coverage expected in 2020
Sprint: Deploying 5G to four markets on May 31
U.S. Cellular: 5G services coming in second half of 2019
C Spire: Fixed 5G services in Mississippi
Charter: Testing 5G, but no solid rollout plans
Starry: Fixed 5G currently in Boston, Denver, LA, New York City, and Washington DC

So, why aren’t you being told the ‘bad’ in that 5G not only causes cell damage, but it also causes melatonin disruption, but actually damages your entire DNA structure? Because who wants to hear the bad news, right? It is not profitable to tell the public that your product is about to fuck them up. That’s bad for business. Just let it fuck ’em up and deal with the fallout after a hefty payday.

5G causes skin cancer and will greatly increase skin cancer rates. 5G is a boondoggle technology and those who invest in it will lose money. The rapid damaging health effects will soon generate a huge number of lawsuits which will bring the technology to an end but not before millions will get the dreaded cancer diagnosis.

The Dangers Of 5G – 11 Reasons To Be Concerned
DNA single and double strand breaks.
oxidative damage.
disruption of cell metabolism.
increased blood brain barrier permeability.
melatonin reduction.

To get those blazing fast download and streaming speeds, are you willing to endure skin cancer, DNA damage, increased blood brain barrier permeability, melatonin reduction and so much more of the like? Is it really worth it?

Let’s not also forget that in 2011 the World Health Organization (WHO) classified radio frequency radiation as a possible 2B carcinogen.
And current cellphone technology has already been found to cause cancer according to the $25 million National Toxicology Program.

Corporations show you in every way, every single day that they don’t give a damn about you and especially those that are hellbent on shoving this 5G shit on us. You can even get free 5G internet from C Spire by becoming a 5G Internet Hub Home(and cancer hub), which is where you agree to let C Spire attach 5G equipment to your house which is then related to your neighbors, thus extending their network(while extending cancer diagnoses). See, this is what I mean when I stated previously that this shit cannot be placed in certain ‘areas’ and just affect ‘those’ people, it’s got to be placed right in your damn face in order to work. So yes indeed, you have got to have your melanoma inducing technology placed right outside your home, killing you while giving you what you think you need; blazing fast download and streaming speeds. But see how fast you forget all about that shit when you are screaming in agony over your melanoma issues. That blazing fast speed ain’t gonna seem worth it then, will it?

C Spire is so ready to kill you for money, that they will attach the cause of your demise right onto your house and so wouldn’t it just be wonderful to have that shit attached to your house so that it could generate more money for C Spire while they kill you, your spouse and your children? Great setup for the company, C Spire, so that you can get lightning fast or blazing fast download and streaming speeds. It’s SO worth it, ain’t it? But since people are too stupid for words and think that this is a great thing, the only saving grace for the rest of us is the fact that our infrastructure is getting more fucked up by the nanosecond thanks to good ole Mother Nature in ALL her destructive glory! Along comes Mother Nature and all that shit is going to float down the goddamn street along with your house and your vehicles. Your cellphones will not be working because the towers will be floating also. When the mighty rivers rise and flood the banks of nearby cities and towns, what use will your blazing fast download speeds be to you? Why don’t you ask people who have already been impacted by wild fires, firenadoes and the list is endless?

‘I expect a zombie to walk out.’ Life in Paradise, 6 months after the Camp fire

It hasn’t been easy. Returnees must cope with inconveniences large and small. The simplest errands turn into lengthy chores, as dump trucks and demolition crews snarl traffic. Everyone in Paradise uses bottled water; they can’t drink out of the tap because the town’s plumbing system has turned into a “toxic cocktail” contaminated with benzene.

This is life in Paradise, six months after the worst wildfire in California history destroyed most of this town of 26,000 and killed 85 people. The Johns are among the few thousand who’ve returned to Paradise, and the neighboring communities of Magalia and Concow, trying to re-create what they once had in a place they no longer recognize.

Those people who lived in Paradise California are, for the most part, putting what remains of their homes up for sale for the next unsuspecting dumb schmuck to deal with raging wildfires that are sure to come. They actually believe that because homes in California are much sort after that there will be folks clamoring to buy property in an area where they cannot even drink the water because it is tainted with benzene, a toxin that causes cancer. I wonder, has C Spire been there yet in the hopes of attaching 5G technology to one of the few remaining homes in Paradise, CA? Hell no! There’s not enough profit in bringing 5G technology to a town that’s been basically destroyed.

Yeah, take your 5G technology there. I fucking dare you!

I wonder if Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon, U.S. Cellular and others are clamoring to head to Paradise, CA to deploy their 5G technology first. I mean, those who once lived in Paradise are in desperate need of everything. Just ask Abigail Lopez who is still fighting with her insurance company to get her house fixed up. And let us not forget that there was some recent major flooding in Iowa, Michigan, Texas, Indiana, Nebraska, Wisconsin and Minnesota, just to name a few and today’s headlines don’t bode well for millions.

US weather: Nation’s midsection braces for rain, wind and hail as dozens of tornadoes are reported
This is peak tornado season

The Plains have been pounded by strong winds, with at least 34 tornadoes reported since Friday morning across the central US, including Kansas, Nebraska and Texas.

Isolated tornado risks were possible across central and eastern Nebraska and in central and northern Kansas, the federal Storm Prediction Center warned. Wind gusts of up to 70 mph were likely, it said.

Texans are scrambling for cover Saturday as reports of tornadoes roll in and much of the central US readies for heavy rain, strong winds and large hail.

More than 70 million Americans are under the threat of severe weather from Texas to southern Minnesota, CNN meteorologist Haley Brink said. That total on Sunday jumps to 80 million under threat as storms are predicted to move into the Great Lakes area.

A tornado destroyed two homes Saturday morning in Comanche County, Oklahoma.

Hopefully, that tornado destroyed ANY and ALL 5G technology that had already been installed and so again, I have Mother Nature to thank for making it extremely difficult for corporations to continue their master plan of destroying us with shit we fucking want despite the fact that it is going to cause us to die and for what? Blazing fast download speeds? Seriously???!!! I hope that Mother Nature continues to shut that shit down because nothing says “Your bottom line is fucked!” like a tornado tearing their shit to shreds and dumping it where it will. Let ’em place that goddamn shit on poles everywhere and their shit along with those poles are going to be lying, scattered all over the damn place. And when they reconnect that shit, it will only be a matter of time before it is back to twirling through the damn sky only to bust somebody in their fucking head when it lands.

To the corporations that are hellbent on killing us, go right ahead and put your 5G technology into operation and Mother Nature will be more than happy to include your shit when she starts fucking shit up. When those tornadoes go ripping through cities, towns and rural areas, there goes your fucking 5G towers. I hope Mother Nature makes continuously having to put your killer shit back up becomes so expensive that you have no choice but to call it quits since we ALL know that ‘humans’ are just too stupid for words since they have, throughout history, embraced their own damn demise just as they are embracing this latest killer shit to come down the pike. We were made aware of the fact that doctors were getting cancer from cellphones decades ago and what did we do? Why we embraced the same technology that led to brain cancer in many doctors. In fact, we so embraced that killer shit, that corporations are counting on the fact that we will ignore this latest killer technology to come down the pike and that we will die with a ‘smartphone’ glued to the damn head while screeching and wailing from the pain of cancer. It’s like the 40 year cigarette smoker screaming in the agony of cancer pain while also yelling for yet another cigarette because he is just so addicted to what the fuck is killing him in the most agonizing way possible. I actually witnessed that happening. A man’s lung had been removed thanks to lung cancer and of course he was told not to smoke anymore, but he was still running around asking anyone within the sound of his voice for a cigarette and the last time I saw him, he was howling in agony as he was being carted away in an ambulance.

Why I sit here and preach to my goddamn self, I will never know and yet, that is exactly what I am doing since so-called ‘humans’ are too stupid for words! I can only hope that Mother Nature will continue to do her thing!

I am quite sure that car alarms are sounding all over the place and it is most definitely NOT a false alarm. The next time you buy a car, do a thorough inspection because you just might end up with one of these.

And continue!

Goodness gracious! Someone call Trump! Those people need FEMA funds right now! Oh, my bad! He is busy on Twitter. Never mind then. Raging flood waters, carry on!

It is quite apparent to me that Mother Nature is our ONLY hope since thanks to her, most of us will eventually be sitting all up in tents as we continuously try and find higher ground on which to place said tent! Thank you Mother Nature! Do YOUR thing!

Dr. Bramhall, since you requested some pictures of what 5G technology looks like, I am posting some pictures in the main post. We need to know what this killer shit looks like because it needs to be avoided at all cost. Not everyone wants to give up their right to exist just because some dumbasses want blazing fast internet speeds.

I’ve found that it comes in many different shapes and sizes. I will post as many as I can find. This mess is killing those folks and many don’t even care!

And another one!

This particular 5G shit, the residents are demanding that it be taken down.

And this one!

We need a massive and sustained movement against the installation of this shit! Time spent in jail pales in comparison to what this mess is doing to us.

And yet another one!

This is one that some dumbass person had installed in their home. Unfortunately, if they have children, they are dead people walking. This is just too sad for words!

And I am not quite finished!

Those of you who are concerned about 5G danger, keep on the lookout for this shit!

5G has a NIMBY problem

For 5G boosters, the benefits of installing the wireless technology are obvious: It allows delivery of super-fast internet speeds. But the nimble technology is connected by not-so-nimble infrastructure. To hook up the “small cells” that power 5G grids, wireless providers have to install thick wires and poles and antennae on nearly every block they want to cover, outfitted with equipment that is about the size of a large backpack.

It’s not just that 5G requires a lot of gear, which alone can provoke the not-in-my-backyard backlash that puts a stop to all sorts of projects. It’s also that some people really don’t like it when they see it.

Unfortunately, the people who have a problem with 5G technology in this article care more about how ‘ugly’ the technology is more so than they care about its dangers. Never once is the danger alluded to, just the fact that they think it ‘uglies’ their neighborhood. However, it would appear that 5G is going to have another hurdle to overcome; the NIMBY problem.

Dr. Bramhall, I hope this helps.

White Woman lay dead in Nevada jail cell for hours after deputy found her unresponsive


White folks! I would take note of this case if I were you because if you continue thinking that only Black people are getting killed in jails and prisons, which we are in record numbers, think again. You are not immune just because you are white. Just ask Kelly Coltrain. Oh, that’s right, you can’t. She died in jail.

RENO, Nevada — Locked away in a Nevada county jail for failing to take care of her traffic tickets, 27-year-old Kelly Coltrain asked to go to the hospital. Instead, as her condition worsened, she was handed a mop and told to clean up her own vomit. She died in her jail cell less than an hour later.

Despite being in a video-monitored cell, Mineral County Sheriff’s deputies did not recognize that Coltrain had suffered an apparent seizure and had not moved for more than six hours. When a deputy finally entered her cell and couldn’t wake her, he did not call for medical assistance or attempt to resuscitate her. Coltrain lay dead in her cell until the next morning when state officials arrived to investigate.

This 27-year old woman is dead because she failed to pay for some traffic tickets? This woman is dead because the entire so-called criminal justice system in America is in fact, a system that was set up to turn a profit for corporations and to enslave poor people for profit by arresting them for owing traffic tickets, for failure to attend a court appearance, failure to make bail and is in fact, modern day slavery. As I have stated before, America only comprises 5% of the world’s population, but houses 25% of the world’s population in prisons, many of whom are Black. But since the heroin epidemic has impacted whites in rural, urban and suburban areas, they are finding themselves victims also who are caught up in the same system that has been warehousing Black slaves since the ‘official’ end of slavery which never really ended, it just morphed into ‘prison slave pens’. But as usual, I digress.

An investigation found that Coltrain’s jailers violated multiple policies when they denied her medical care after she informed them she was dependent on drugs and suffered seizures when she went through withdrawals.

Well, so much for all the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) hand wringing over whites who are addicted to drugs since Kelly Coltrain escaped notice. Kelly Coltrain was an addict. She was addicted to heroin. She did not pay some traffic tickets. She was caught speeding. She was arrested. She told the jail personnel that she was an addict and that she was sick and needed medical attention. They threw her in a cell and left her there and even though she was being monitored via surveillance video by male jail guards who saw her vomiting, they did nothing but take her a mop and demand that she clean her own vomit up. She could only sit on the bed and push the mop across the floor. A guard eventually noticed that she hadn’t moved. He came in and, with his boot, nudged her leg, WITH HIS BOOT! She didn’t move and he touched her arm. It was cold. He went to get some help. They checked her pulse and finding no pulse, left her there, stone, cold dead. An entire day passed and no one even called for paramedics. No one at that jail did anything at all for Kelly Coltrain until an investigation commenced the next day! A woman lay dead for an entire day in a jail cell in Nevada. This is reminiscent of another woman who lay dead in a jail cell in Texas. Remember Sandra Bland?

The medical examiner found heroin in her system and labeled Kelly Coltrain’s death, “accidental” caused by “complications of drug use.”

Is that really why this woman died? “Complications of drug use?” Look at the pictures and then answer the question.

Kelly Coltrain sits in a cell at the Mineral County Jail in Hawthorne. She died about an hour after her jailer asked her to mop her vomit from the floor. (Photo: Mineral County Sheriff)

Look at the above picture real good. This is what is happening to people just like her who have done nothing more than amass tickets and get addicted to drugs.

This still taken from Mineral County Sheriff’s Office surveillance video shows Sgt. Jim Holland asks Kelly Coltrain to mop her cell. (Photo: Mineral County Sheriff’s Office)

This woman was so weak from having eaten nothing and needed medical attention, but was instead told to clean up her own vomit which she could only do from her bed since she was too weak to stand and the jail guard is pointing at a spot she missed, telling her to clean it up.

This still from Mineral County Sheriff’s Office surveillance video shows Deputy Ray Gulcynski tapping Kelly Coltrain with his boot and finding her unresponsive. (Photo: Mineral County Sheriff’s Office)

Kelly Coltrain, lying dead in her cell. So, what killed her? Her drug addiction? Her unpaid traffic tickets? That a cop pulled her over for speeding and so she was arrested because she already had unpaid traffic tickets? No. Kelly Coltrain is dead because the system that punishes people for speeding, driving without a license or insurance or for any other reason is deeply flawed and it is by intent because something could have been done about the criminal justice system by now so that people like Kelly Coltrain, don’t end up dead because they owed tickets, was speeding and hooked on drugs.

How many of you go even 10 miles over the posted speed limit? How many of you have ever had your insurance lapse? It happens, I know. The only reason it hasn’t happened to me is because I know that I have got to have my shit in order before I get behind the wheel of a car. I know that I have got to make sure that all of my lights are working; signal lights, backup lights, headlights, the whole nine yards. I have got to know that my license is up-to-date and that my insurance is current because I am a descendant of slaves and I know what is in store for me if I get locked up. And so now, you know what is in store for you if you get locked up and have a medical emergency. That emergency may not be what Kelly Coltrain’s emergency was; an addiction. It could be a diabetic incident or a heart attack or an epileptic seizure. The treatment that Kelly Coltrain received, you can expect the same.

You may feel no pity for Kelly Coltrain, but if this were to happen to a loved one of yours, would you still feel the same way? Again, take a good long look at Kelly Coltrain. She is among millions that this is happening to.

All the signs pointed to something seriously medically wrong with Kelly Coltrain, but did she ever get the medical intervention that she needed? No. All she got was dead and the cause of death? “Complications of drug use.” Really?

Everything we do benefits some corporation. Insurance is a racket because if you get into an accident, who benefits the most from a lawsuit? Certainly not the victim. The lawyers benefit; those who work FOR the insurance companies and those who claim to work for YOU. Who benefits from traffic tickets? Not the taxpayers. Who benefits from paying a bail bondsman? You don’t get that money back. Who benefits when people are incarcerated? Corporations. Who benefited from Kelly Coltrain getting locked up? She’s dead. She still can’t pay her traffic tickets. Will people ever wake up??? We know Kelly isn’t, but will you?

Racist Ohio Police Chief Overdosed On Drugs He Stole From Evidence Room


Now, this is one story that I am going to break out the champagne over!

REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio – An Ohio police chief who died of a fentanyl overdose allegedly took the drugs from his department’s evidence room, authorities say.

Kirkersville Police Chief James Hughes Jr., 35, was found unresponsive in the bathroom of his Reynoldsburg home on May 25. He was pronounced dead a short time later.

Reynoldsburg Police Department Lt. Ron Wright said the department is still investigating, but evidence shows the drugs were possibly evidence in other cases.

Wright said it appears Hughes took the drugs himself from the evidence room.

“There was packaging that indicated that he was taking controlled substances from there,” he said

SO, who are the REAL criminals?

A police chief is dead because he had access to the evidence room of his police station whereupon he helps himself to drugs that would have been evidence used against some poor schmuck at their trial, but now that this dead racist has tainted the evidence by overdosing on it, what’s to happen to the poor schmuck who was arrested with the drug our dearly departed racist police chief just overdosed on? I just cannot stop laughing. What poetic justice. They found this racist bastard with syringe needles lying all around him, a plastic bag containing cocaine and one of the syringes tested positive for fentanyl. But we are to believe that all the overdoses of cops have been ‘accidental’. They have been claiming that cops have been ‘accidentally’ overdosing on fentanyl because they are at the scene of overdoses and touched the overdose victim and therefore, overdosed themselves. But, apparently, they couldn’t use that excuse in this case.

Those who are in uniform to enforce the law are themselves, law breakers, but we are constantly bombarded with calls from other bigots and racists like Donald Trump to continuously “thank our honorable men and women in law enforcement who put their lives on the line for us bad, bad Americans.” Fucking Ha Ha Ha! Yes indeed, this particular police chief was so honorable and full of lawful law enforcement tendencies that he stole evidence and used it on himself and actually did us Black folks a favor and killed himself. One less racist police chief for us to have to worry about. Somebody inform Donald Trump about this so that he can tweet that this is ALL fake news designed to portray Hughes in a bad light and that Hughes really died from an overdose of donuts laced with fentanyl and so Krispy Kreme should be held accountable for the demise of this upstanding racist in uniform. Yes indeed, I am sure that by the time Trump’s lies are spread on Twitter, Hughes will look like a choir boy, who was really, ‘good people’. Oh, and someone notify the CDC(Centers for Disease Control). They’ll want to be all over this one like flies on shit because ‘white’ folks just should not be overdosing and dying from bad, bad drugs. That’s only for us Black folks. Remember the crack epidemic that hit Black communities so hard? The CDC doesn’t.

I have been saying all along, we only need to sit back and watch the white man’s world crash and burn around him. It is happening, everywhere a white foot has stepped said foot and stolen, pillaged, raped, plundered and murdered another group. The shit is coming home to roost all up their asses. Ask those ‘whites’ all across this country who are watching their shit burn in California, who are watching Kilauea cover their shit in lava and who are watching floods send their homes and SUVs floating down the goddamn streets that have turned into rivers.

This vile ass, worthless piece of white garbage has gone and done us all a favor by killing himself, and I for one, intend to celebrate this racist’s demise at his own hands. Because who does he have to thank for his own death? Why himself, no doubt. However, an investigation should commence to find out whose drug case is now closed thanks to this piece of shit stealing the evidence that would have been used against the defendant at his/her own trial. And if they are still in jail awaiting trial, release them immediately!

Kirkersville Police Chief James Hughes Jr., 35, was named police chief on March 13 during a two-minute special village council meeting.

Hughes’ checkered history was discovered by The Advocate after his hiring in Kirkersville. The mayor and village council members were reluctant or declined to answer any questions about that history, which included a misdemeanor conviction in Whitehall for disorderly conduct for a 2013 incident at a fast food restaurant drive-thru in which Hughes used a racial slur.

It would appear that the mayor and village council members in the town of Kirkersville had no problem with their police chief being a flaming, stomp down racist since they knew of his ‘checkered past’ and hired him anyway. Why let Hughes’ penchant for racism, which they all approved of, stop him from getting the job of police chief? No problem with fairness there. Hell! Just lock up any Black person that even passed through Kirkersville, which was probably the plan all along, but dude had to go and spoil that by shedding a spotlight on the behind the scenes shenanigans of Kirkersville, what with their racist attitudes and all.

To the deceased, James Hughes Jr, dead at age 35, who is now resting in hot piss in hell, thank you and tonight’s cocktail hour will be kicked off with a raised salute to your dead carcass, you good for nothing, racist ass piece of shit. May the worms feast good on your dead pasty ass! You will not be missed! And I am sure that the person whose drugs you stole from the evidence room will be doing likewise, but for a different reason. The reason being, they have your dead pasty ass to thank for their freedom! Now let me repeat, the police chief overdosed on evidence he stole from the evidence room! That is rich!

Once again, karma to the rescue! Ain’t she a bitch?!” I am laughing my ass off, for real!

…And On The Bright Side…


uh…wait a minute, there is no bright side. Or is there?

Drugs are killing so many people in Ohio that cold-storage trailers are being used as morgues

Rick Walters, an investigator for the Stark County coroner’s office, had just left for two death scenes: a suicide and an overdose.

From the road, he called the director of the Ohio Emergency Management Agency to ask for help. He needed more space, he explained — specifically, a cold-storage trailer to act as an overflow morgue.

As with much of the United States, Ohio is in the throes of a heroin and opioid epidemic that shows no signs of abating.

The Friday afternoon request for a cold-storage trailer highlights the epidemic ravaging the state.

So, what is causing the outrageous statistics of death by overdose? What is so wrong with Americans that they are overdosing by the thousands? It has been stated that the overwhelmingly huge numbers of ‘white’ patients who have been prescribed opioids for their physical pain has caused them to develop a habit for which they cannot obtain enough ‘legal’ prescriptions to satisfy and so therefore, they are now running to the corner drug dealer even in rural America. How many Black drug dealers are on Becky and Sarah Lane in Klan Bluff, Kentucky or in Hoity Toity City, Maine? Yeah! Slow your roll! So, blame this epidemic on the pale-skinned variety because you own it. And if you want to try the ‘white’ drug dealer for murder because Becky and Sarah overdosed to death, then start with America’s military whores and the warmongers who they work for because they sent them into Afghanistan to protect that poppy plant that when harvested is given a free plane ride right to the states and straight into the hands of Sarah, Becky, Scott and William and now, their corpses are all lying in trailers awaiting autopsies that will tell us what we already know; they died from an overdose of heroin and other drugs like benzodiazepines and don’t forget, alcohol.

Bakersfield lies in the heart of Kern County, a vast sprawl of lush cropland in California’s Central Valley. Here, accidental overdoses among white women have tripled since 1999, according to federal health data, and suicides have doubled.

The death toll has alarmed health-care workers like Eggert and given rise to a loose network of therapists, nurses, pastors and drug counselors struggling to understand a generation of women overwhelmed by modern life and undone by modern medicine.

Wow! ‘White’ women are dying because they are overwhelmed by ‘modern life and undone by modern medicine’. But what does that mean? Does it mean that ‘white’ women are dying because they have the ability to live in a ‘vast sprawl of lush cropland in California’ and so cannot deal with that ‘hood’ type of environment since it is just too horrific for words? Are ‘white’ women ACCIDENTALLY overdosing to death because ‘white’ doctors are seeing to it that their ‘white’ female patients are given enough prescription opioids to kill them? Your own ‘kind’ is wiping you out while you are somewhere wailing and moaning and gnashing your teeth and all set to blame the ‘Black’ corner drug dealer when it is not the ‘Black’ corner drug dealer that’s getting your ass hooked on opioids in the first place. But you won’t lay the blame where it belongs. It cannot be another ‘white’ person that has given you the means to your end; it has always got to be a ‘Black’ person who is to blame for your ACCIDENTAL overdose. No, it’s not because how do you think that opium that you are ACCIDENTALLY overdosing on gets into this country? And how many ‘Black’ corner drug dealers do you know who own boats and planes to ship that shit into this country? No indeed, your ‘white’ counterparts don’t get off that easily. They are why you’re able to get your hands on enough drugs to get a tag placed on your toe inside a trailer morgue, your drug epidemic is so bad.

So, you’ve got sciatic nerve pain and you cannot take the pain? You went to your ‘white’ doctor and got a prescription for that pain and now that the focus is on those bad, bad opioids, your doctor has been instructed to reduce the number of pills you get and to reduce the strength of those pills and so now, you’ve got to look around to find something else to supplement what you’ve now lost? Heroin time! And now, it’s a needle in the arm for you and OOPS! ACCIDENTAL overdose! Now, let’s blame the ‘Black boogeyman drug dealer’ AGAIN! Nope! Not this time, ya don’t. You get to blame one of your own. Again, you own this!

And next, we have this!

Drugs are killing so many people in West Virginia that the state can’t keep up with the funerals

Deaths in West Virginia have overwhelmed a state program providing burial assistance for needy families for at least the fifth year in a row, causing the program to be nearly out of money four months before the end of the fiscal year, according to the state’s Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR). Funeral directors in West Virginia say the state’s drug overdose epidemic, the worst in the nation, is partly to blame.

So, is it ‘Black’ drug dealers providing ‘white’ West Virginians with the cause of their demise[heroin]? Let me see. There are 1,739,988 ‘whites’ in West Virginia making up 93% of West Virginia’s total population and there are 63,124 Black folks living in West Virginia and so are we then to believe that a mere 3% of the population of West Virginia is responsible for the epidemic of drug overdoses of mostly ‘white’ West Virginians? Methinks not! So don’t even go there. And now, who would be responsible for this besides those who take the drugs and overdose on them? Your friendly neighborhood pharmacist who is just filling the prescriptions of the doctors of these patients who overdosed? Or could it initially start with the means to which the doctors could actually write out a prescription for opioids thanks to the fact of those military whores stationed over in Afghanistan protecting those poppy fields and giving poppy plants when harvested, a free plane ride here with the blessings of your government, Americans? Uh..that would be the answer. There is much blame to go around, but the blame certainly cannot be laid squarely at the feet of the ever so put upon ‘Black bogeyman corner drug dealer’.

‘White’ folks, you’d better wake up and smell the reasons for your addictions. While your counterparts have been studying and experimenting on Black people for hundreds of years, they have neglected your ass and now the hand wringing and gnashing of teeth is all the rage because they just did not see this most horrible of all epidemics coming; that of suburban, rural and city ‘white’ America succumbing to the lure and temptation of opioid addiction. No one saw your isolation amongst ‘lush cropland in California’ and near coalmines in West Virginia and in the back hills of Kentucky. It was just taken for granted that you were just loving life seeing as how you had every reason, what with your ‘white privilege’ and all to shield you from everything but drug addiction.

Every day, there is yet another news article on the ordeal that ‘whites’ are going through thanks to opioids. What the hell??!!! Has not the ‘War on Drugs’ been waged since the 70s and so why are we now looking at, not an end to this ‘drug war’, but instead, we are looking at a ramped up and seemingly endless epidemic of drug-related suicides and ACCIDENTAL overdose deaths of ‘whites’? Why? Because the ‘War on Drugs’ was a war on Black people and now karma is a bitch, ain’t she? Thank you KARMA!

And the ‘good’ news just keeps on coming ‘on the bright side’.

The prospect of a Payless bankruptcy is just the last bad news to buffet the retail world. Stores like The Sports Authority, American Apparel, Aéropostale, Wet Seal and PacSun are among the retailers to have filed for bankruptcy protection in the last two years, with some liquidating altogether. On Tuesday, Sears Holdings (shld, +3.79%) admitted there is ‘substantial doubt’ it can stay in business.

Those great paying jobs at Payless, Sears, Kmart, Wet Seal, Abercrombie & Fitch, JC Penney, Crocs, Guess, bebe and the list is endless are going, going almost gone and of course this means more despondency and an even greater need to dull the pain and so grab some more opioids; that’ll make you feel better as it dulls the senses and lulls one into a false sense of ‘all is well’, that is, until it wears off and back to the doctor ‘white’ drug dealer, you go.

Let us not forget the ‘good’ news of Donald Trump’s promise of ‘more great paying jobs for Americans’. Well, Trump, where are they? Because it does not look as though those ‘great’ paying jobs will be in retail. And it certainly does not appear as if many of Trump’s supporters will even be around in four years to vote him back in seeing as how it doesn’t even feel good to PAYLESS. The only person who is getting paid is the pharmacist and ‘white’ drug dealer on Becky and Sarah Lane in Coal Mine, West Virginia. The only persons who are getting paid are the military whores who are stationed in Afghanistan guarding those poppy fields to make sure that opium gets safely to America. Fight the Taliban? What Taliban? There’s opium in dem dar fields, doncha know!

Everybody had enough ‘good’ news for one day ‘on the bright side’? Yeah! That’s what I thought!

And before I forget, let me just finish with this little gem!

For whites across America, deaths of despair are rising

For many white Americans without a college degree, life in America has devolved in a few short decades from one that offered ample economic opportunity into a socioeconomic dead end

That’s according to new research from Princeton economists Anne Case and Nobel Prize-winner Angus Deaton, who grabbed headlines in 2015 with their finding that the death rate for middle-aged white Americans had sharply risen. The new research adds color to their earlier findings, helping to explain what’s driving mortality rates for less educated whites beyond that of blacks and their counterparts in other developed countries. 

Spin it any way you like, but the fact of the matter is, even college-educated ‘whites’ are in despair since many of them are still waiting tables years after having earned a college degree. Many are janitors and are selling shoes in Payless Stores, while they’re still open, that is. So yes indeed, the chickens are coming home to roost and about time, I say! And if I don’t seem one bit upset about all of this, it is because I am not one bit upset about all of this! You thought your ‘white privilege’ would shield you from drug overdose suicides and from the pink slips dished up by a fucked up economy? Not anymore. Your own kind has now made it a fact that you are privileged to die with a needle in your arm thanks to their giving you the means to your own end while they blame everyone else for fucking you up. But you thought that Donald Trump was going to ride in on his white steed and save the day for you? Is it happening yet? Let me know when it does and I will be more than happy to add it to more ‘good’ news ‘on the bright side’!

Headline News: Freddie Gray Caused His Own Goddamn Death By Throwing Himself Into The Police Van!

KKKop Edward Nero

Freddie Gray


I just cannot make this shit up!

The first officer(Edward Nero) to face trial in the death of Freddie Gray was acquitted on ALL FOUR MISDEMEANOR charges by a judge who said that there were “no credible facts” to show that Nero was directly involved in Gray’s arrest, and said testimony showed Nero’s role in putting Gray in the van was minimized by the actions of others and not unreasonable given his training.

Get the fuck outta here! So…..what? Freddie Gray just threw himself into the police van, severed his own spine so that he could have some peace from the police??? I fucking knew it! I fucking knew it! When are KKKops ever held accountable for the shit that they do? On the goddamn twelfth of never! And don’t hand me no bullshit about how Negro cops were also in the mix. Those house niggers are Massa’s lapdogs and will do as told. They’ve got to impress whitey pink-ass! And Freddie Gray was too Black-assed for those house niggers! And that’s right, I called them ‘house niggers’! Ain’t no way of getting around that. The house niggers are still pitted against the field slaves and believe you me, I am from the goddamn field. So don’t even think that I am going to do your filthy ass dirty work for you. You find some  house niggers for that shit, like Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch and that shit that struts itself in a KKKop uniform, but you’ll never find me fucking up people who look like me! Never that!

Those six bastards killed that man and not a damn one of them are going to jail for the crime of murdering Freddie Gray. His family has been paid off. They received $6.4 million and so there! That ends the case! Never mind the fact that Freddie Gray is not here to spend the money. That ain’t a goddamn problem at all. The man is six feet under with a severed spine and no one is to blame except for him because he just should not have thrown himself into a police van, just demanding to get arrested for doing not a goddamn thing wrong!

And here, Barack Obama just ‘honored’ 13 KKKops with a medal of valor. I suppose the KKKops that murdered Freddie Gray will be in line next to get ‘honored’ with a medal of valor for arresting an innocent man and then severing his spine by their actions.

Now, it is time for #BLACKLIVESMATTER to come strolling through Baltimore, MD with their limp ass, lame ass, dusty ass decades old protest signs and fucked up sneakers and get ta stepping and a marching to the beat of “No justice! No peace! Stop the racist pOOOOOOOleeeeesssssss!” They will then proceed to stage a ‘die in’ which means lie in the goddamn street as if their time for that ain’t coming soon enough. The KKKops ain’t through severing the spines of Negroes, nor are they about to cease with filling our ass full of bullets so that we look like Swiss cheese on a slab after the coroner digs the bullets out in a morgue in any city in any state in this shithole!

And don’t come up in here with no bullshit because I am SO fucking NOT having it! That man was as innocent as the day is long and then some and he was murdered and ain’t a goddamn one of those filthy ass shits going to be held accountable for the murder of Freddie Gray! He hadn’t done a goddamn thing wrong because being a Negro in AmeriKKKa ain’t on him. He did not ask for his ancestors to have been dragged over to this shithole to become slaves. That wasn’t on him! You filthy ass pink fucks are to blame for why this man was murdered and for why no one will be held accountable for his murder! And yet, you run around screaming to all and sundry about how you’re not a fucking racist! You’re ALL racists! That is why nothing has changed in this shithole for hundreds of years! You are no different from the shit that spawned you because if you were, this same goddamn shit would not be staring us up in our face! The shame is on YOU motherfuckers! It is not on us! And we’re getting spines severed and shot full of bullets because you want to get rid of the shame of your vile ass ancestors acts AND yours and for that, you’ve got to murder us all! And we just won’t fucking die fast enough to suit you goddamn termites and parasitic worms, will we?!!

When your foul ass shit is staring you up and down, every goddamn day, you fucking can’t have that, can you? Because we make a lie out of that ‘benevolent’ shit that you go on and on about. We make a lie out of that ‘humanitarian’ shit that you go on and on about. You’re all goddamn liars because ain’t a motherfucking thing good, kind, benevolent or humanitarian about you worthless ass snakes! If your motherfucking lazy ass ancestors had had a goddamn work ethic, then we wouldn’t be over here, but they didn’t and neither do you! Hell! When you get up and leave up out of this shithole, the first goddamn thing you look for when you get to another country is a goddamn MAID. Because you’re too goddamn lazy to clean up your own fucking mess! You won’t even pick a goddamn string bean to put on your motherfucking plate! The Mexicans have to do that for you Yeah, fucking come to my motherfucking house for dinner! I’ll fix you a meal, real good and proper like! You betcha!


Freddie Gray, they severed your spine
and now you lie in a box of pine.
The neighborhood put up a shrine.
BLACKLIVESMATTER, where is your sign?
And if you ever step out of line
they gone jail your ass, that pink-assed swine!

Freddie Gray can’t rest in peace
cause these KKKop killings, they ain’t gonna cease!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

I Will No Longer Sing The Blues!

Billie Holiday singing the blues

I will no longer sing the blues,
drugs, I must never, ever abuse.
If I don’t love me and I know I do,
how can I say that I love you?

My child, my child, come here to me.
Let me tell you my life’s story.
I was born on the poorest side of town.
White folks would look me up and down.

They never knew what to make of me.
My skin tone was all they could see.
I was sent to a school so far away.
I had armed guards on that very first day.

They called me names that I can hear still.
I would be dead if looks could kill.
I tell you child, I done seen it all,
‘Colored only’ written in a racist’s scrawl.

I’ve seen the Klan burn a cross in my yard,
and many a Negro body, lynched and charred.
Oh child, they put that crack in my hand.
I didn’t know that in jail, I would land.

But I gotta stand up and fight for you.
Someday, I’m gonna make you proud of me too.
I’m gonna break these chains that have held me back,
and be proud that I’m your mother and I’m off that crack!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2016 Shelby I. Courtland

Racism Is Why ‘Whites’ Are Dying From Heroin! Now, Ain’t That A Bitch???!!!



Just when I think I have seen it all, something else comes along and ties my knickers in a knot! Oh, for those of you out there who aren’t all in the know like I am, knickers are underwear. Read a book sometime, why doncha? But as usual, I digress. Back to the subject at hand. According to this recent article, Drug Overdoses Propel Rise in Mortality Rates of Young Whites, Black folks have the Hypocritical Oath keepers(doctors) to thank for their lack of drug overdoses. It seems that the good ole Hypocritical Oath keepers don’t prescribe oxycontin to their Black patients for fear that they will…well, read it for yourself.

Studies have found that doctors are much more reluctant to prescribe painkillers to minority patients, worrying that they might sell them or become addicted.

HA Dee Fucking HAHAHA!! Now ain’t that a bitch?! ‘White’ folks is ‘afraid’ that Black folks is gonna get hooked on some oxycontin like old Lush Plumbaugh did and need some rehab or better yet, sell their meds and pay their rent from the proceeds. Awwww! How thoughtful and considerate that the Hypocritical Oath keepers are, and for once, they claim to be looking out for the welfare and health of their Black patients and here I thought they didn’t really ‘care’ about us. But if you pay attention to the bullshit in this article, apparently, they is doing us Negroes a favor by not putting us on painkillers. They is giving ALL the painkillers to the ‘whites’ and now the moaning and groaning has begun because the Hypocritical Oath keepers could not have imagined in their wildest dreams that ‘white’ folks just might become addicted to all of those prescription painkillers that made them feel so damn good; too damn good to stop taking them. You see, according to the Hypocritical Oath keepers, ‘whites’ are not subject to addictions, oh not at all. They just take their medications as prescribed and when the bottle is empty, why, they just give up that ‘high’ they had been experiencing every time they popped that oxycontin and instead, picked up a lollipop and sucked on it. Suck! Suck! Lick! Lick! In fact, sales of Tootsie Roll pops just took off to DA moon! Yes, they did! Nope! No addictions in Whitey Whiteville, USA! But over by way of the ghetto and through the hood, the Black folks was just a hurting and some mo shit, but never was they prescribed some oxycontin for their sciatic nerve pain because Black folks are predisposed to becoming addicted to EVERYTHING, especially oxycontin otherwise known as heroin. You’ve all heard of heroin, right? It’s why the U.S. military is still in Afghanistan. Gotta protect those poppy plants so that the Hypocritical Oath keepers can feed the addiction of the ‘whites’ in Whitey Whiteville, USA.

Oh, the stories out of Whitey Whiteville, USA are horrifyingly horrible. They just tore at my heartstrings, they did. I think someone should report the Hypocritical Oath keepers to the FDA(Food and Drug Administration) and to the AMA(American Medical Association). Never mind, they are all in on it anyway. That’s my ‘theory’ and I’m sticking to it! Here is one story in particular that is just so hard to read. Get some tissues ready! You are going to need them.

Sad stories abound.

Maline Hairup died of a heroin overdose on Aug. 24, 2014. She was 38 and a Mormon, engaged to be married in the Salt Lake City Temple, near her home. Her religion taught her to spurn addictive substances — no alcohol, no caffeine. But that night, after years of taking prescription narcotics for chronic pain complicated by mental illness, she tried heroin, her sister Mindy Vincent said. Ms. Vincent believes it was the only time her sister used that drug.

Sister Mormon lady Hairup was ‘nextup’ on the overdose train to hell! Because folks, let me tell you, it’s got to be hell to be so addicted to something that you lose your religion over it. No amount of prayer could take away the addiction from poor Sister Mormon lady Hairup who was ‘nextup’ The saints did not come marching in to help Sister Mormon lady Hairup who was ‘nextup’ to ride the heroin overdose train to hell! Praise Gawd the Father-Elohim, Gawd the Son-Jehova and Gawd the Holy Spirit! Amen! Now, pass the collection plate. We need some assistance all up in here now ’cause lily white asses is dropping dead by the thousands over this here heroin epidemic and we cannot have that! What were we thinking, us Hypocritical Oath keepers? How could we have let this happen? It is unconscionable! Nice Mormon ladies should not be overdosing at the grand ole age of 38, especially when she had originally spurned the devil’s brew; alcohol. But it was her chronic pain and her mental illness of believing in a fictitious gawd and the Hypocritical Oath keepers prescribing her some oxycontin that was her undoing. Rest in peace Sister Mormon lady Hairup who was ‘nextup’ to ride the heroin overdose train to hell!

Keep those boxes of tissues handy!

There are men like Steve Rummler, who lived in Minnesota and died of a heroin overdose at age 43, taking the drug after becoming addicted to oxycontin, which was initially prescribed for a back injury. “He didn’t understand the risks,” said his mother, Judy Rummler.

Poor, poor Mr. Rummler who rumbled on down the line on the Express Train No. 9 headed straight to heroin overdose hell! He did not understand the risks of his addiction; an addiction that was sanctioned by the Hypocritical Oath keepers who gave Mr. Rummler the means to his end. Do not pass go Mr. Rummler. Do not collect $200! Just listen to Gladys Knight and the Pips and take that train, take that train, just not to Georgia, take it straight to heroin overdose hell as prescribed for you by the Hypocritical Oath keepers since it was known by the Hypocritical Oath keepers that only Black folks get addicted and should be saved from themselves by the Hypocritical Oath keepers that saw no need to worry about you suffering from an addiction to heroin and overdosing on it. And now, everybody’s knickers is in a bunch ’cause they just did not see this train coming. Sakes alive! ‘White’ folks is becoming ‘addicted’ to oxycontin aka heroin and is dying left and right! What to do! What to do! The sky is falling!

Researchers are struggling to come up with an answer to the question of why whites in particular are doing so poorly. No one has a clear answer, but researchers repeatedly speculate that the nation is seeing a cohort of whites who are isolated and left out of the economy and society and who have gotten ready access to cheap heroin and to prescription narcotic drugs.

“There are large numbers of people who never get established in the economy, who live outside family relationships and are on the edge of poverty,” Dr. Hayward said. Many end up taking prescription narcotics, he added.

‘Researchers are struggling’! Oh my goodness! They is struggling to come up with the answers as to why ‘whites’ in particular are doing so poorly. I got to climb down off the ceiling over THAT one! WHY WHITES ARE DOING SO POORLY? Did I read that right???!!!! Let me go and get my eyes checked. I know I didn’t read that correctly. White folks is doing poorly? Get the fuck outta here! Whodathunkit? I certainly didn’t thunk it! Some ‘white’ folks never got established in this economy? But I thought the ‘economy’ was doing so good! Ain’t that what Obombo would have us believe? Ain’t that what he said in his most recent lying ass SOTU? And if ‘white’ folks is doing poorly, how the hell is Black folks faring? That’s what I will save my boxes of tissues for, for the Black folks that are completely ignored over their plight in THIS economy. Let us concentrate on the poor ‘white’ folks that are left out of everything but the ability to get their hands on some oxycontin and overdose on it to the point where they ride the Express Train to Overdose Hell!

Black people are at the bottom of every single compiled statistical list with regards to employment, wealth, health care, living conditions; the whole nine yards but who is ‘struggling to come up with an answer to the question of why Blacks are doing so poorly? Not some Hypocritical Oath keepers, that’s for damn sure and certainly not any researchers that are now all up in arms over the so-called significant numbers of ‘whites’ that are dying from drug overdoses. Cry me a river and then catch a train to hell!

Talk about a new twist. Because racism is so systemic, it even defines what medical treatment Black people receive as opposed to what ‘whites’ receive. This has been perceived as the reason why Black people are not dying from drug overdoses at the same high rates as ‘whites’. The belief that Black people are more predisposed to addictions has been defined as the reason why Black people are not dying from overdoses and why ‘whites’ ARE dying from overdoses and the perception that Black people are more likely to abuse prescription painkillers has been defined as the reason why they are not dying because they are not being prescribed painkillers and why ‘white’ folks are is so disgustingly revealing of how racist this shithole called AmeriKKKa really is!

You motherfuckers are going to keep on overdosing because guess the fuck what? The ‘economy’ ain’t getting any better! So head on down to your local drug cartel; your doctor’s office and get a prescription to help you deal with the ‘pain’ of a fucked up economy and then hop onboard the train to hell! Sob fucking sob, sob sob! I really am crying a river for you bastards!