How Is The Ex-Pat Community Faring In Ecuador These Days?

FILE - A soldier monitors vehicle traffic on the National Unity Bridge that connects the town of Duran with the Guayaquil, Ecuador, July 20, 2023. Guayaquil is the epicenter of violence. About a third of this year’s violent deaths took place in what is Ecuador’s second-largest city and home to the main commercial port, as well as a large prison complex. (AP Photo/Dolores Ochoa, File)


So, you want to take your Social Security Retirement and pension to Ecuador and live a wonderful life since Amerikkka is just becoming too damn expensive?

Well, let’s see how things are going in Ecuador today.

Ecuador was calm and peaceful. Now hitmen, kidnappers and robbers walk the streets

Ecuador was one of the calmest countries in Latin America until about three years ago. Today, criminals prowl relatively wealthy and working-class neighborhoods alike: professional hitmen, kidnappers, extortionists and thousands of thieves and robbers. Mexican and Colombian cartels have settled into coastal cities like Guayaquil and grabbed chunks of the trade shipping hundreds of millions of dollars of cocaine from neighboring Colombia and Peru to countries overseas.

It used to be a case of “Honey, since we are both retired, let’s sell this big house, take our retirement and pensions, investment portfolios and head to calm, quiet, peaceful CHEAP Ecuador and live like kings and queens. We’ll hire natives to do the house cleaning, gardening and so forth. I hear tell that there’s a great ex-pat community all nicely established with the requisite, spas, tennis courts, upscale bars, bookstores, gated communities; the whole nine yards. Get ready for the good life Suzie!”

“Oh Bob, I can’t wait. I’m already packed!”

Now fast forward to the news out of Ecuador today and Suzie and Bob most likely long since packed their little hefty bags and headed to Maui. Now their hefty bags and they are either charred remains or sitting up wondering where the hell to go next.

“No one is safe from the insecurity in the country,” Anthony Garcia, who packs shrimp, said after the Villavicencio assassination. “We are at the hands of drug trafficking, of evil in its entirety.”

The country’s National Police tallied 3,568 violent deaths in the first six months of this year, far more than the 2,042 reported during the same period in 2022. That year ended with 4,600 violent deaths, the country’s highest in history and double the total in 2021.

No one is safe in what used to be heralded as the best place for gringos from the US to take their asses because of the fact that the dollar was the currency used in Ecuador, not to mention how far the dollar would go in so far as purchasing power and what a great place for pensioners Ecuador was. 

Well, not anymore! Where are you whites going to wash ashore next? If Kilauea isn’t acting up, Hawaii is on fire, we are only two months into hurricane season and so who knows what’s coming from that direction? 

So, for those of you who think that my situation is the most horrifying because I’m here in the states, just where is there to go that’s not fucked up in some way. Africa is knee deep in shit, the Middle East, the same. The Carribean islands are hurricane prone and those folks are always digging out. But how about I try a different state in the US? How about I go to Florida? Have you heard the news out of Florida? 

Florida rocked by home insurance crisis: ‘I may have to sell up and move’

Soaring hurricane-cover premiums are bad news for the state’s homeowners – and Ron DeSantis is accused of dragging his feet.

Households in Florida, the third most populous state in the US, have been grappling for some time with a property insurance crisis that is making home ownership unaffordable for many. After at least six insurers went insolvent in Florida last year, Farmers on Tuesday became the latest to pull out of the Florida market, saying in a statement that the decision was based on risk exposure in the hurricane-prone state.

Climate change is threatening the very existence of some parts of Florida. And the costs are already being felt by Floridians. At the end of 2022, average annual property insurance premiums had already risen to more than $4,200 in Florida – three times the national average.

So, folks, on one hand, there’s violence exploding in Ecuador, wildfires in the Hawaiian Islands, hurricanes in the Caribbean that are also impacting insurers bottom lines in Florida to the point whereas insurers are pulling out of Florida. The entire world is in chaos, pandemonium and bedlam and what that tells me is that there is no place to run, no place to hide because remember, the U.S. via our tax dollars is funding a war against Russia via Ukraine. Billions have been and will be spent fighting the Russians who are fighting the Nazis in Ukraine, you know, Ukraine, home of the Nazis? Makes you wonder whose side AmeriKKKa was on during World War II because make no mistake, it was the Russians who finally defeated Hitler, not the Amerikkkans who’ve always been in bed with the Nazis. If Hitler were alive today, he’d even cop to that.

Meanwhile, homelessness is off the charts and grafts and likely to continue in that vein since funding wars, killing, destruction, misery, suffering and all things of that nature is really what Amerikkka has always been about especially for Amerikkkan descendants of slaves which is why we “never mind Amerikkka’s shit” and continue on as though we are on our own, which we are. But I am here to tell you that the pansy pants snot-nosed, lily-livered whites are the ones who seem hellbent on trying to find better stomping ground on which to sit their debased asses, but they are running out of areas to run to. Sit your asses down because you will not escape what the rest of us are already dealing with. Count on it!!!! Maybe I should write a book showing you dumb ass whites how to deal with unpleasantness seeing as how things are about to become unbearably unpleasant for you assholes. Excuse me while I laugh just thinking about the shit that’s headed YOUR way!!



Why Amy Cooper’s Name (and Face) Matters More Than Christian Cooper’s — The Human’ish

Because America needs to know what criminal behavior looks like, and who is perpetrating the violence. And it does not matter who Mr. Cooper is (handsome), where he comes from, or how he came to be in the Rambles (bird watching). This story is about Amy Cooper, who didn’t like being told the area’s leash laws, and who disliked even more, the color of the skin beholden to the man telling her to leash the dog. In New York City. In 2020. Which is just breathtaking. […]

via Why Amy Cooper’s Name (and Face) Matters More Than Christian Cooper’s — The Human’ish

Also from the original article:

Amy Cooper disregarded leash laws, she disregarded the human reiterating the leash laws. She threatened his penal livelihood by threatening to call the cops. She then called the cops. And while she is on the phone with emergency personnel, she doesn’t say to them: I wanted to keep my dog off leash in the Rambles and some dude told me not to and tried to feed my dog treats. She fakes an attack, specifies that it is being perpetrated by an African American man, all while choking out her dog. That right there is violence. That right there is racism. The actions that she took were criminal, they were unnecessary, and most of all they were dangerous. And the “apology” that came out afterwards was even more scathing. You should fire your publicist immediately.

As furious as many of us are in the Black community, the man who this racist piece of shit tried to ‘murder by kop’ is already stating that Amy Cooper “should not receive death threats.” Is he for real? Seriously? It sounds as if he has already ‘forgiven’ her since he at least, is still here to give voice to what he believes, thinks and feels and thinks the “death threats” should cease. He is not making “death threats” against that lying, racist white bitch, that’s on whomever is, but that’s not on him. He should just keep his mouth shut about whatever the fuck is aimed at Amy Cooper because believe me, she would NOT be taking to media platforms doing likewise for his Black ass and he should know this.

This is why in the year of no lord, 2020, we as Black people are still getting our asses kicked. We will downplay the most vile shit done to us and call for “unity in the community” as opposed to calling for the shit to get fucked up!

How many of us have to die at the hands of these rabid, racist whites? How many of us are a potential Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Aiyana Mo’nay Stanley-Jones, Philando Castile, Walter Scott, Alton Sterling, Freddie Gray and the goddamn list is endless?

Black men have long thought of white female parasites as something that’s top notch; something to be sought after. Kobe Bryant’s dead ass thought he had something when he married that white bitch that’s now enjoying the fruits of his labor. Scottie Pippen’s ugly ass cannot leave white bitches alone and on and on it goes and so it is no wonder that Christian Cooper is upset about the alleged “death threats” aimed at Amy Cooper’s racist, pasty ass!

Black women, we need to seriously stop caping for these sell-outs. It is quite obvious that us taking to the streets in protest of Black men getting themselves fucked up by whites is not appreciated because ain’t no way in hell, I would be sitting somewhere giving interviews stating that the bitch that tried to get me “murdered by kop” does not deserve “death threats.” Her racist ass receiving “death threats” would not even register with me. Let her deal with that shit since she set the shit in motion, but I’d not say a damn word about whatever the fuck she’s getting as a result of what she initiated when she called the kops and lied on a Black man, knowing full well what would more than likely happen when she did and yet she did it anyway. And her fucking racist ass ain’t sorry! Since she loves calling the kops, she can very well call the kops and report those ALLEGED “death threats.” Since her pasty ass is racist, then she can just accept what comes with that when her ass is outed for the racist she is. To.Hell.With.Her.Racist.Ass. Point.Blank.PERIOD.

And Christian Cooper must seriously need yet another reality check because his Black ass is still above ground when this racist bitch was hellbent on his ass becoming worm food and yet, he wants to wax and wane over her alleged plight of receiving “death threats” when she was trying her damn best to cause his death. That shit right there beats all. For the love of !!!!! White women are no less lethal to us than their male counterparts and why dumb as all hell, Black men like this here Christian Cooper just cannot seem to figure the shit out, just boggles the mind!

I Hate To Admit It, But Trump Is Right About Baltimore Being Rat Infested. He Should Know Because Jared Kushner Owns Hundreds Of Rental Properties That Have Failed Housing Code Standards, But Trump Is Also Right About Elijah Cummings

Now before you shoot the messenger, remember that I am quite often IN Baltimore and the shit that I have seen would curl your toes. In fact, this blog has more posts about Baltimore than I can shake a stick at. You can go here and here and here and here and here and read all about Baltimore. Now, what did Trump have to say about Baltimore, MD?

I was just in Baltimore last week. In fact, I put up a post about what I saw because what I saw made me mad as hell! And before anyone gets any bright ideas and gets to screeching and a hollering that I need to live in a place and not merely visit in order to write about it, I have lived in Baltimore, MD multiple times. The last time I lived in that city was September 2016 to August 2017 and I got out of there like the hounds of hell were chasing me; the crime is THAT bad.

When I used to go down to the subway station, big ass rats had practically overtaken the place. The so-called ‘World Famous Lexington Market’ has had to be shut down by the health department on at least two occasions for rat infestation. And the last one was recent. In fact, Lexington Market is so filthy, I refused to use the restrooms. But when I went back in April of this year, Lexington Market had been cleaned up and cleaned out. Most stalls were closed. The drug addicts had been sent packing as well as the Korean stall keepers. There were more Black stall keepers and I had not seen them since the mid 90s when the Koreans were running the Food Court at The Harbor Pavilions at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor and Black people were operating the stalls in Lexington Market. The whites decided to run the Koreans out of the Inner Harbor and by doing so, they ran the Black stall keepers out of Lexington Market by increasing the rents so that the Koreans could afford to open the stalls vacated by the Black people. Whitey parasite ass knows how to move us around like chess pieces on a board and that shit continues to this day. But I digress.

Even though Donald Trump cannot take the high road since we have all heard that migrants in southern border facilities are drinking out of the toilet, he is right in that Cummings should take his tired old ass back to Baltimore and figure something out because Baltimore is in decay and in decline. When we were there last week, we could not take the light rail to BWI airport because of a sinkhole in downtown Baltimore on Pratt Street. When I lived there, that same area had a street blow up and spew asbestos everywhere. Homicide averages are 300+ yearly. Drug addiction is off the charts. Baltimore has been declared ‘The Heroin Capitol’ of the U.S. Homelessness is also off the charts as is prostitution, gang violence and high school drop-out rates. You cannot pass by a person who has not been shot up or who does not know of a person who has not been shot up. The Department of Justice had to issue a consent decree because of rampant police brutality against Baltimore’s citizens. We all remember the Freddie Gray riots. So, Trump was not off base. In fact, he is not the only politician to expound on the evils of Baltimore, MD. Bernie Sanders did as well. But what Trump failed to say was that his own Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Ben Carson, is not doing his job since Baltimore, MD has the worst public housing complexes in America. Yeah Trump, focus on that! Your failed leadership has something to do with what ails Baltimore and so look inside your own filthy, stinking closet and clean it out! And throw yourself out because you’re garbage as is your HUD Secretary, Ben ‘had a lobotomy’ Carson.

Conditions in Maryland Public Housing Worst in the Country

Almost a third of public housing inspections in Maryland have resulted in failing health and safety scores. According to an analysis of federal data by The Associated Press, that’s the worst performance in the country. Old, rundown complexes in Baltimore are the main culprit. Federal and city data show that 22 of 37 Baltimore sites failed their most recent inspections.

And so that makes what Bernie Sanders said about Baltimore, all the more true as well.

But just a few years ago, Sen. Bernie Sanders — a candidate seeking the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nomination — took his own shots at Baltimore, a struggling Northeast city grappling with high rates of violent crime, drug abuse, poverty and political corruption.

“Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation,” Sanders said during a visit to the city’s West Baltimore section in December 2015, the Baltimore Sun reported. “You would think that you were in a Third World country.”

The independent U.S. senator from Vermont also referred to Baltimore as “a community in which half of the people don’t have jobs.”

“We’re talking about a community in which there are hundreds of buildings that are uninhabitable,” he added, according to the Sun.

I don’t recall hearing a blow up after Bernie Sanders made this statement because what he said is absolutely true and in fact the public housing inspection report backs Sanders up when he said, “hundreds of buildings are uninhabitable,” including public housing buildings. What is not being said is the fact that politicians like Cummings are NOT doing a damn thing to mitigate the many societal ills that are plaguing Baltimore or her citizens. Even the NAACP is headquartered on Mt. Hope Drive in Baltimore and is doing not a damn thing to help anyone in that city of mostly Black residents. In fact, I never heard of one positive thing that the NAACP has ever done FOR Baltimore. Add to that the fact that not one, but two of Baltimore’s Black mayors has had to step down amid scandals and so again, as much as I hate to admit it, Donald Trump is absolutely right in his depiction of Baltimore.

And just to show you exactly how accurate his assessment is, let’s get on with it.

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There are two Baltimores; the one the tourists see and the one I see and so once again, despite the fact that I hate what Trump said about Baltimore, he did speak the truth as did Bernie Sanders. Elijah Cummings is too filled with a sense of political power and has long since gave up on improving the city where he got his start in politics. Baltimore’s Black politicians should be ashamed of themselves, but they’re not. The people of Baltimore deserve better than what they are getting and yet it took Donald Trump to point out the obvious in order for Baltimore’s politicians to spout useless rhetoric about what they are doing FOR Baltimore. They are not doing a goddamn thing FOR Baltimore. They have only used her to further advance their political careers and when she was of no further use to them, they discarded her like she was a worn out whore who has been on the streets for too goddamn long.

The whites want that city for themselves and they don’t care who they have to crawl over to get it. They don’t care who they have to move out of their way to get it. And make no mistake, even though the political face of Baltimore is Black, whites are ALL over that city like flies on shit! And as you can see from the pictures that I have posted, I have been ALL over Baltimore and so don’t fucking tell me that Trump is wrong because the proof is above. Baltimore is indeed, a tale of two cities and the neglect of one of those cities is appallingly shameful and you know which one I’m talking about!

So shut the fuck up Trump and Cummings unless you are going to help a city that is being allowed to die by design. Fuck both you motherfuckers!

I just had to add this!

Jared Kushner owns lots of apartments in the Baltimore area. Some were infested with mice.

In a now-viral tweetstorm on Saturday, President Trump characterized Rep. Elijah E. Cummings’s Baltimore-based congressional district as a “rodent infested mess” where “no human” would want to live.

His criticism rang with a particular irony in Baltimore County, where the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner owns more than a dozen apartment complexes that have been cited with hundreds of code violations and, critics say, provide sub-standard housing to lower income tenants.

Kushner Companies, which started operating in Maryland in 2013, has owned almost 9,000 rental units across 17 complexes, many of them in Baltimore County, the Baltimore Sun reported earlier this year.

The properties generate at least $90 million in revenue annually. Kushner stepped down as CEO of the company in 2017, when he became a senior White House adviser.

In 2017, Baltimore County officials revealed that apartments owned by Kushner Cos. were responsible for more than 200 code violations, all accrued in the span of the calendar year. Repairs were made only after the county threatened fines, local officials said, and even after warnings, violations on nine propeties were not addressed, resulting in monetary sanctions.

That bastard’s properties were cited for mouse infestations, mold problems and maggots. And even though tenants tried to file a class action lawsuit, a ‘white’ judge denied their request. It wouldn’t have made any difference because my cousin was involved in a similar lawsuit and for his pains received $724.15 and this was considered a ‘windfall‘ by the attorney that is suing for more of the class action settlement in Attorney’s Fees. Poor people don’t stand a chance against these goddamn worthless ass racist vultures! And don’t even act like you don’t know who Jared Kushner is. He is Trump’s son-in-law; married to that bitch daughter of his named Ivanka and so he has not a goddamn leg to stand on when screeching or tweeting about the living conditions of people in Cummings district and Cummings has nothing to say for himself because he knew about this shit and yet said nothing! I am TOO fucking through!

Uninformed Colorado police officer tasers a peaceful protestor [Video] — United States Hypocrisy

2 men in Colorado were peacefully protesting police brutality on public property when they were suddenly approached by a violent police officer.

via Uninformed Colorado police officer tasers a peaceful protestor [Video] — United States Hypocrisy

If the men in the above video had been American descendants of slaves, they would be dead. But since these are white men who were protesting police brutality on public property, they lived to see another day and the one who was tasered received a settlement. Taxpayers in every city and municipality are having to pay for the unlawful conduct of police officers that are sworn in to ‘Protect and Serve’ but who are actually just legal, corrupt thugs sanctioned by the United States government to harass citizens and kill American descendants of slaves. There are NO ‘good’ cops because if there were, they would refuse to work alongside what is depicted in the above video. But by their deafening silence, they are complicit in the crimes of their ‘fellow’ cops.

This shit is beyond insane! Those whom we are to call for assistance are worse than those whom we are calling on. There is no worse thug out on these mean streets than cops. Show me a cop and I’ll show you a rabid thug!

Watch the video and try and shrug that shit off! I fucking dare ya! Yeah! Explain that shit about how cops are ‘good’! I’ll call you a “damn liar!”


I am like a star that refuses to shine,
or you could liken me to a plant
that just won’t grow,
worn out from endless battles
fought over my skin.
  Is there no final curtain call
on a show that will never end?
These are my burdens of despair,
drooping my shoulders
and graying my hair.
Cops still shooting us down,
drugs plaguing what’s left
of hoods yet to be gentrified.
Siren-filled nights,
as gunfire brings home,
a message of cruelty,
inhumanity and torn apart lives.
I look for answers,
but all I have is one question,

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2018 Shelby I. Courtland

Sometimes, I am so filled with despair over the suffering that is relentless, that it suffocates me. To have a heart that hurts so much to the point that it makes me want to just scream. Why are we devolving into debased creatures who can kill each other without even blinking? And it begs the question for those who believe in evolution, “Did we ever really ‘evolve’?” When I look around, I can honestly say, “No, we did not!” For surely, what we see is irrefutable proof that we certainly did not! And if anyone should be so disturbed as to believe that these were ‘mercy killings’…..just don’t even go there.

The blog that preceded this one is partly responsible for this post and then, add this into the equation and my heart is heavy with despair!

Homeless men are being gunned down on the street in Las Vegas

The video is chilling. James Edgar Lewis is sleeping under a Las Vegas freeway when a dark-colored SUV passes by. Seconds later, a man wearing a dark top emerges from the vehicle and shoots Lewis twice in the head before fleeing.

There is no struggle, no fight. Lewis never even appears to wake up.

“It’s basically an execution,” said Lt. Dan McGrath of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police.

This is the second such killing in the Las Vegas area.

On January 29, Brian Clegg was shot and killed, also while sleeping, in front of a business on a busy street.

Two lost souls sleeping on the streets, with as many horrors and problems that entails and then,  finally, from sheer exhaustion, more than likely, finding some relief in sleep, only to be shot dead.

I look for answers,
but all I have is one question,

What Was I Thinking?

I went from this:

to this:

Indeed, what in the world was I thinking?

Going from this?

To This?

Oh hell nawwww!


Since coming to Baltimore, I have experienced more crazy shit than I can shake a stick at. I have never seen anything like what I have seen for the past 10 months, that’s 10 months. I cannot even survive a year in this hellhole!

As some of you may know, I have been carjacked, bus robbed, shot at and someone tried to break into my home. I was taken to the hospital twice and never made it out of the hallway into a room and my head was up against the restroom door. When I was taken back to the hospital, I was taken to the same exact hallway, placed on a bed outside the exact same restroom door, directly from yet another crime scene. And as out of it as I was, I thought the nurse said she was giving me Demerol, only to find out that she had hit me up with Fentanyl. That was the most horrid drug experience ever. I thought I was dying and yet it did nothing for the pain I was in from having hit my head over trying to dodge bullets by falling down a flight of stairs. Why they give people Fentanyl is a mystery to me because it only makes you high, but does nothing for the pain you’re in.

For anyone that is reading this, I am strongly advising that you STAY OUT OF BALTIMORE MARYLAND!!! Never even visit this place! My shit is being packed as I type this and the moving truck has been ordered! If you’ve ever thought to experience what hell is, it is here in Baltimore, MD! Never, ever come here! And as bad as it sounds, it is far, far worse!!!

I cannot believe that I was so naïve to think that I could come to this cesspool of filth, corruption and crime and make a difference. Again, I have no idea what the hell I was thinking, but I am soon to be outta here! I can’t leave fast enough!

Ducking and dodging bullets is NOT my idea of having a good time, nor is it entertaining. For the love of !!!!!

Sirens Are Our Lullabies!

Shots ring out every night
in this city gushing blood.
And in daylight, it’s the same,
awash in a crimson flood.

Sirens are our lullabies;
a crime scene, our parade.
We stand and stare at the dead,
then into a grave, they are laid.

None of it makes any sense,
Black men killing their own kind.
And I just make excuses
as though to reality, I am blind.

I blamed it all on poverty;
a lack of jobs and single moms.
And I threw in for good measure
that so many are bearing arms.

I thought I had all the answers.
Open a store or two in the hood
that catered to the poor,
but that won’t do us any good.

What is needed, I don’t know.
I throw my hands up in the air.
Our murder rate is off the charts.
And it would seem that we don’t care.

Another day, another murder.
And sometimes, more than one.
We’re just mowing each other down,
and hell, there ain’t nowhere to run.

More babies without fathers,
more mothers without their sons
because we have lost our minds,
 when to solve our problems, we use guns.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2017 Shelby I. Courtland

‘Did you hear that?’: Amid Baltimore’s surge in killings, a faint cry in a locked car

BALTIMORE — No one saw the baby.

She sat in a gold-hued car with tinted black windows as her 26-year-old father lay on the ground outside, dying.

All eyes were on him, another fallen body in a city increasingly defined by them.

In portions of Baltimore, the strobe of police cars is as much a part of the landscape as boarded-up homes. But the pace of the killings this year has been stunning as the city struggles to recover from rioting in 2015. As of Friday, 124 people had been slain, including five on a recent day, making Baltimore’s homicide rate one of the highest in the country. It is more than triple Washington’s rate and higher than the homicide rates in New Orleans and Chicago, two places that have become national symbols of gun violence.

I came to this city, not with expectations of having everlasting fun, but with the hope that there was something I could do to help in a city that claimed my heart over a decade ago. And now, I am beyond frustrated. If I told you all that has happened to me since I’ve been here, you’d all wonder why I have not thrown myself into the nearest psych ward and wrapped my own ass in a wrap-around jacket. I have been carjacked, almost robbed at gun point on a city bus, my cousin was shot two months after arriving here and I am terrified to leave my own neighborhood. I am already preparing to leave this city. I have not seen anything like this. I guess when I was here before, I was young and fearless, but now that I am older and damn near completely incapacitated thanks to injuries, I look at things differently and I am absolutely horrified at what I see. This city is off the chain. I ask myself all the time, “What was I thinking?” And if you read the article, a statement by a former Baltimore planning director tells it all.

“People don’t realize it’s worse than Chicago,” said Otis Rolley, former Baltimore planning director and a onetime mayoral candidate. His 23-year-old nephew, Andrew Zachary, a former Marine, was the 15th person killed in the city this year. “This man was trained by the U.S. government and had the skills and ability to survive in a combat situation overseas but was unable to navigate the streets of Baltimore. And that is a scary, scary thing.”

There is no need to suit up and head to Iraq or Afghanistan to see some combat action, just come to Baltimore. You’ll get more ‘action’ than you bargained for, believe me! Baltimore is a warzone! Helicopters fly overhead, non-stop. Sirens are non-stop. It is not even safe to take public transit. It is not safe to drive. It is not safe to walk down the street. It is not safe to peep out your window. For the love of !!!!!

Meanwhile, “The Paris Of The Middle East” Is Forgotten!

flag of Lebanon


My apologies to the people of Beirut that have been forgotten in all of the hoopla over the Paris, France attacks. I understand that the CIA/ISIS deployed suicide bombers and killed dozens and wounded hundreds of people in the city of Beirut. So, please accept this as MY display of solidarity with YOU and though I know it does not rival in any shape or form, the displays of love and peace and “we are with yous’ that Paris has been inundated with, nevertheless, mine is more heartfelt because I am a non-conformist. I think for myself and I don’t jump on the Twitter and Facebook bandwagons. Nor am I just another blind sheep to be led around by the nose. I know what it is like to have your plight ignored and to see how valueless your life is according to the world.


The Islamic State extremist group, which controls parts of neighboring Syria, claimed responsibility for the attack. They are of course, the moderate rebels terrorists that the U.S. trained with the blessings of U.S. taxpayers and don’t worry, you will read more on this. Wait for it.

On Thursday, November 12th, two suicide bombers killed at least 43 people and wounded over 200 in Beirut, Lebanon, but of course, my reader has not been inundated with outpourings of support and ‘hail marys’ and prayers and with stories of world leaders stepping up and with glaring hypocrisy, displayed solidarity with the people of Beirut as  was the case with the people of France, a France that..well, read it while I weep!

14 African Countries Forced by France to Pay Colonial Tax For the Benefits of Slavery and Colonization

Did you know 14 African countries continue to pay colonial tax to France since their independence till today! Those who do not pay get coups and/or the assassination of their president. the very archaic Ministry of Finance and Budget of France and the Ministry of Foreign affairs of France depend so much on the taxes that they are not only a threat to Africa, but to the French themselves. It’s up to us as African to free ourselves, without asking for permission…African countries are paying the colonial tax only for the last 50 years, so I think one century of payment might be left!”


France is still forcing African countries to pay France for slavery!!! Seriously? And as a descendant of slaves, I am going to stand in solidarity with France? Get the fuck outta here! You dumb ass, stupid American Black sheep are sitting somewhere hash tagging solidarity with non-humans that are to this very day making the countries that you more than likely were abducted from, continue to pay for slavery. And you’re stupid because you don’t even know just what the fuck you’re doing. You never do, because AGAIN, you’re too stupid to even begin to think about first educating yourselves BEFORE you jump on every goddamn bandwagon that floats in a parade down the street right by your stupid and clueless ass!

“JE NE SUIS Paris!”

And so once again, France is in the news. Apparently, the U.S. CIA trained ISIS ‘good rebel terrorist’ group has taken responsibility for the recent attacks in France. Remember this!

Obama seeks $500 million from Congress to help moderate Syrian rebels

President Barack Obama, under pressure from some lawmakers to provide more help to Syria’s opposition, asked the U.S. Congress on Thursday to approve $500 million to train and equip moderate Syrian rebels terrorists seeking to oust President Bashar al-Assad.

A White House statement said Syrian rebels would be “appropriately vetted” before being given assistance, in what amounts to an effort to assuage concerns that some equipment provided to the Syrian opposition might ultimately fall into the hands of U.S. enemies.

Obama has been under strong pressure from some lawmakers, such as Republican Senator John McCain Of Arizona, to increase assistance to the Syrian rebels. Some members of Congress have accused Obama of being passive and indecisive, allowing Assad to repulse the threat to his government.

And France and other countries are wondering why they are under attack by these CIA trained and properly ‘vetted’ terrorists, uh..I mean, rebels? Seriously? John McCain has not yet stepped up and claimed responsibility for the attacks on Paris? I mean, he is the one that called on Obama “to increase assistance to the Syrian terrorists, uh..I mean, Syrian rebels,” that he must have personally vetted to make sure that they would only attack on command against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s rag-tag army; an army that has been fighting these ‘moderate’ rebels for decades.

But, remember, Barack Obama has delivered his, “you guys have had a really rough time of it in Paris and my  worthless ass thoughts and prayers are with you and please expect more because we cannot contain what we have unleashed and since you guys are really at ground zero and we here in the U.S. are not, well, now what else can I do but give a lame ass speech about how wrong this all is and please know, people of France, we got yo back. If you folks want to come over and attend a beer summit with me, then please contact my staff and let them know and I’ll try to make myself available to exactly two of you that survived this heinous attack that U.S. shit stirring set in motion. I’m ALL heart, doncha know?! Yes indeed! Now, I’m late for my golf game!”

Oh and lest I forget!

The Empire State Building is dark in sympathy for the people of Paris after more than 120 people were killed in Friday’s series of shootings and explosions.

Saturday marked the second consecutive night the 102-story New York landmark was not lit up.

The 408-foot spire atop One World Trade Center was lit again Saturday night in the colors of the French flag. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the spire will remain lit blue, white and red on Sunday.

New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio says an arch in Manhattan’s Washington Square Park was also illuminated with the French colors on Saturday.

But where is the display of solidarity with the people of Beirut? What is the glaring difference between the people that were murdered and wounded by the CIA trained ISIS in Beirut as opposed to those that were murdered and wounded by the CIA trained ISIS in Paris? Their location? Their religion? Their choice of toothbrush? I am just trying to figure out why the people of Beirut are not receiving ANY attention; no constant mainstream media coverage, no social media solidarity or otherwise over what happened to them while the people of France are overwhelmed with displays of support from national monuments going dark, to getting lit the fuck up to Facebook activating for the first time, a feature called, ‘Safety Check for an emergency other than a natural disaster’. “There has to be a first time for trying something new, even in complex and sensitive times, and for us that was Paris,” wrote Alex Schultz, the company’s vice president for growth.

So, since the whole world did not jump on board with displays of solidarity, love and brotherhood for the people of Beirut, there was no reason whatsoever for Facebook to initiate Operation ‘Safety Check’ because those who lost love ones in Beirut, those whose loved ones survived but were transported to the hospital did not need to know if their loved ones were alive and…well…..because no one told the world that #LEBANESELIVESMATTER! No one told the world to jump on the PEACEFORBEIRUT bandwagon! And with the not too distant Charlie Hebdo attack in France, well now, France just cannot catch a break. Neither can Iraq, but that’s irrelevant. Neither can the drone struck in Yemen, but that’s irrelevant. Neither can the dead that got themselves dead because the U.S. military blew up a hospital in Afghanistan, but that’s irrelevant. Neither can dead brides and grooms in Yemen thanks to U.S. drones striking wedding parties, but that’s irrelevant. There is no one telling us to make a big deal over any of these atrocities and so we won’t. Just like with what occurred in Beirut. Nothing to see here, so move along folks. Our sights are set on Paris, France. Climb aboard! No thanks! I’ll pass! France has enough well-wishes and prayers. Now Beirut, Lebanon on the other hand, not so much! Go figure!

PESTILENCE Is Already Here!


“The Homeland Security agency responsible for removing immigrants who are in the country illegally will run out of money by mid-August unless Congress approves President Barack Obama’s emergency request for $3.7 billion to help deal with a flood of child immigrants crossing the border illegally without their parents, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson says.”

Well, well, well, ain’t that a bitch? “In this country illegally, eh?” Who the hell ain’t here illegally? Unless your goddamn ass is one of the indigenous peoples of America, your ass is here, illegally. Unfortunately, the Indians’ immigration policy was largely ignored as once the Indians realized that the European settlers were hell bent on relieving them of their land, they attempted to put a deportation system of their own into the works, but their deportation system was no match against their conquerors.

And so now we come to this, who can stay and who must go. “You, yeah you! Over there, you stay but you, hell naw, now git! The Statue of Liberty ain’t talking about you! We don’t care how tired, how poor and how huddled you are, we got fucking standards, ya know and you don’t meet ’em, so git!”

That’s some real shit right there and we’re some real shits, we are because this nation is a nation of immigrants and don’t hand me no bullshit about how if they come here, legally then all is well and good because we’re ALL fucking here illegally. I don’t care if you were born here. Somebody in your family came here from elsewhere and most likely got off at Ellis Island and now you want to sit back and point fingers at the dirty, the tired and the poor who cross the border looking for a better way of life or to escape gangs, violence or political persecution. I understand that these are children whose parents have sent them over and that many have relatives who live in America. So, what’s the problem America? This here is the land of opportunity for all, ain’t it? We’ve got lady liberty shining her beacon to welcome ALL immigrants to the shores of America, don’t we? Well? We fucking do or we don’t! If that ain’t the goddamn truth, then fucking lady liberty needs to step the fuck up off her pedestal, why don’t she?

What’s coming beats ALL. I read a quote from some ignorant piece of shit about how the immigrant children from South America have brought PESTILENCE to the shores of Amerikkka! HUH? Say WHAT?!!!! The fucking PESTILENCE is already here motherfuckers! It’s called, VULTURE CAPITALISM! It’s called, INCOME INEQUALITY! It’s called the 1%! Millions of Americans are already suffering from a pestilence. So, clue your stupid ass in, why doncha? And as if that isn’t bad enough, it is my understanding that some of the child immigrants are from Guatemala. Now, do you knuckleheads recall the Guatemalan STD Study? Huh? Well? Of course you don’t want to recall that because that right there was a PESTILENCE that America visited on poor unsuspecting Guatemalans, oh ye christian hypocrites of fake ass faith!

U.S. scientists knew 1940s Guatemalan STD studies were unethical, panel finds

“U.S. government researchers who purposely infected unwitting subjects with sexually transmitted diseases in Guatemala in the 1940s.

At least 5,500 prisoners, mental patients, soldiers and children were drafted into the experiments, including at least 1,300 who were exposed to the sexually transmitted diseases syphilis, gonorrhea and chancroid, the commission reported. At least 83 subjects died.”

…and you want to talk about a goddamn pestilence crossing over into America when Amerikkka IS a goddamn pestilence! Always has been and always will be no matter who the fuck crosses over. Just ask the Indians, you know, those who never gave you permission to bring your worthless ass over here to begin with. Ask the Indians about who brought pestilence to them in the form of small pox blankets. Why doncha? Bunch of goddamn chicken shits, sitting somewhere in your cozy air conditioned penthouse most likely nursing your own goddamn pestilence that you got from some ‘high priced hooker’. You’ve got some damn nerve, spouting off at the mouth while you nurse your pestilence called, gonorrhea with the hounds of hell nipping at your heels, hell bound hypocrite that you are!

Amerikkkans seriously make me want to puke over the outrageousness of their hypocrisy. This nation was supposedly founded on the principle that “all men are created equal,” and yet slavery was rampant and the Indians were being indoctrinated into the heathen settler’s way of life after having had their land stolen from underneath them and now that the European heathens are at the helm of this lopsided sinking, stinking shithole barge, they now want to pick and choose who gets to cross into THEIR Amerikkka. You know what motherfuckers! Fuck You!

“Immigrants from Central America, bring whatever the hell you want to bring over here. Escape that Homeland Security shit and fuck up their goddamn day because you ain’t had time to board a boat and get processed at Ellis Island since you’re fleeing a goddamn war zone!”

The NAACP Ain’t About Shit!


Talk about egg in the face, the NAACP is plastered with egg. So, those sell-outs were about to give Donald Sterling a Lifetime Achievement Award for racism. The NAACP now embraces racism and slavery, bowing and scraping to “Massa, yes sir.” Yes, Massa, we at the NAACP love you no matter how racist you are. We appreciate the bone that you toss to us and to show our appreciation for that bone, here’s a Lifetime Achievement Award for being a bone-tossing stomp down racist piece of shit that we just love so much because you feed our coffers since our membership drives just don’t pad the pockets of our executives like we want and need them to.

The NAACP is located on Mt. Hope Drive in Baltimore, MD and the city of Baltimore is experiencing, well…read it for yourself.

One in four people in Baltimore, MD live below the poverty line.

Since the NAACP is headquartered in Baltimore, MD, this doesn’t make any sense. Surely the NAACP could have done something about abject poverty in distressed neighborhoods all across Baltimore. Surely?

The U.S. census bureau estimates that 20 percent of Baltimore’s children are impoverished.

So, what has the NAACP been doing to alleviate this? I’ll tell you! Not a goddamn thing because the NAACP has been busy hosting Black Image Awards for the Black whores and slaves in Hollywood, holding them up as a shining example for what those poverty stricken Black folks in Baltimore should strive for.

One in four households in Baltimore, MD receive food stamps.

What has the NAACP done about that? Proceeded to put on another performance for Massa and invite him to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award for racism because that’s how you advance colored people up out of needing food stamps.

83 percent of Baltimore’s children are so poor that they qualify for free or reduced school lunch.

EIGHTY-THREE percent! Where is the NAACP? Is the NAACP really headquartered in Baltimore? Because with these statistics, I wouldn’t want to acknowledge that as fact because that would mean that this agency is not advancing ‘colored people’. Oh, that’s right! It doesn’t have to because people ain’t called ‘colored’ anymore. So, my bad! I guess that absolves the NAACP from doing what it was originally founded to do.

Baltimore, MD is the U.S. heroin capital.

Government agencies estimate that as many as one in 10 of the city’s residents are addicted to the drug.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency says the city has the highest per capita heroin addiction rate in the country. Estimates of the total number of addicts in the city vary, but experts agree it’s staggering.
In a city of 645,000, the Baltimore Department of Health estimates there are 60,000 drug addicts, with as many as 48,000 of them hooked on heroin. A federal report released last month puts the number of heroin addicts alone at 60,000.
The problem in the city is so acute that the federal government has designated Baltimore part of what it calls a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area.

Huh? For real? But, but, but, the NAACP is there to advance the ‘colored people’. Oh NAACP, Baltimore’s drug addicted could use some advancement all up out of drug addiction. Are you still in business NAACP? Or are you just in the business of handing out Lifetime Achievement Awards to racist slave owners of the NBA? Yep, that would be the NAACP’s agenda.

Lack of bathrooms poses problems for homeless in Baltimore, MD.

Baltimore City officials are looking into whether the city gets its money’s worth in the effort to end homelessness as evidenced by conditions outside City Hall.
The problem is hard to miss at City Hall, where on a bench out front, a man lay sleeping Wednesday morning and the stench coming from the plaza was unmistakable. Human feces lay in plain view.

Here’s an idea. So, why hasn’t the NAACP stepped in and at least provided port-a-pots for the homeless people because everyone needs to use the restroom, homeless or not? With all the corporate money flowing into the coffers of the NAACP to advance ‘colored people’, surely they could come up off some money to help the city with the human feces problem resulting from over 4,000 homeless people in Baltimore on any given night?

In 2009, there were 20,085 occasions on which people were refused shelter in Baltimore City due to lack of space or funds.

Did the NAACP step in with its vast resources and take up the slack? That would be a resounding, “NO!”

Of the sheltered population, 34% were women and almost a third of them had children in the shelters.

Now, this is just absolutely disgraceful! Women with children in shelters and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is headquartered on Mt. HOPE Drive doing not a goddamn thing to help! Unfortunately, with what the NAACP stands for these days, it ain’t much HOPE for the people who are fucked up and who are so desperately in need of help while the NAACP is focused on handing out Lifetime Achievement Awards to racist slave owners.

Uh…Cliven Bundy! You’re up next to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award awarded to you for your outstanding record on racist comments that were just taken out of context because what you really meant to say was that you would give these poverty stricken, drug addicted, free lunch eating, food stamp needing, homeless Black folks in Baltimore, MD, a job where they could get back into family oriented way of slave life because THAT’S the life! Here he is, NAACP, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Cliven Bundy, awaiting his invitation to come and get his Lifetime Achievement Award from you on a job well done in promoting the ‘advancement’ of colored people who should still be slaves and who quite actually, are!

I lived in Baltimore City for quite a few years and the horrors that I witnessed will never leave me. Baltimore has a majority Black population. The societal ills of that city was just outrageous. The drug epidemic was off the charts as was crime, gang activity, homicides, prostitution, drop-out rates, poverty and homelessness. I could not believe that the NAACP was actually headquartered in that city as there was no evidence that this organization was doing anything at all to attempt to alleviate any of the horrors that disenfranchised Baltimoreans were struggling with. The NAACP has in recent years, been all about status and not about relieving static conditions that are tearing entire communities apart. The organization has pulled away from its roots and is no longer even attempting to put the advancement of the Black person as its number one agenda. The NAACP now stands for The National Association for Corporate Coons. Its new mission statement is, “We bow to our corporate owners and look to pad our coffers from the corporate slave owners who will treat us well as long as we know our place and respectfully do their bidding. We will make it our business to reward slave holders or slave owners, racist as they may be because we need their money. We covet and we covet big time and mere membership dues don’t cut it. To all of our corporate sponsors, thank you Massa sir and let me lick your boots clean for you! It’s an honor and a privilege, bootlicking suck ass house slaves that we are!”

“We at the NAACP are doing our part to alleviate the issues of poverty, racism, disenfranchisement, drug addiction, gang violence, crime, prostitution, homelessness, the school-to-prison pipeline, high school drop-out rates, poverty and hopelessness in Black communities all across America by giving Lifetime Achievement Awards to racist filth! Black inner city youth, grow up so that you can play basketball for this racist filth that earned a Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Association for the Advancement of Corporate Coons. That’s your way out of the ‘hood’. Take Massa’s bone, that’s what we did!”