Racism on full display in Western media’s coverage of Ukraine crisis — United States Hypocrisy

This racism has translated to actions taken on the ground by NATO countries such as Poland, where African students seeking refuge from the war were stopped from entering the country while Ukrainians and their pets were allowed in.

Racism on fully display in Western media’s coverage of Ukraine crisis — United States Hypocrisy

Also from the article:

Ukranian nationalist on BBC: “It’s really emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed – children being killed every day with Putin’s missiles and his helicopters and his rockets.”

BFM TV: “We’re not talking about Syrians fleeing the bombings of the Syrian regime supported by Vladimir Putin. We’re talking about Europeans leaving in their cars that look like ours.”

ITV News: “Now the unthinkable has happened to them. And this is not a developing, third world nation. This is Europe!”

Yeah, there is never anything to get emotional about if you are just seeing children being killed if they have brown skin and brown eyes or black skin and brown eyes. Tears should only be shed for the children of war when they have blond hair and blue eyes. That is some sick ass shit right there!

Don’t you motherfuckers come up in here and say a damn word about let’s have a kumbaya moment because that shit will never happen. As I stated in a comment on the original blog, I was never under ANY illusions or deluded into thinking that me and those who look like me are even thought of as human by the likes of you parasites who are only slithering around because you are feeding off of us just like you fed off our ancestors. You bloated wastes of air contribute nothing and only take and then have the nerve to think that you are better than anyone else? You’ve the balls of bulls and the arrogance and conceit to match, but your day is coming.

This is the comment that I left on the original blog:

These monsters just don’t stop! But what’s sad is that there is no hue and cry about this type of attitude and it is because this type of attitude is exactly what those who remain silent have. These mouthpieces are speaking exactly what other whites are thinking and so this is fine with them. I am not one bit surprised, not at all because I have never been under any illusions nor have I ever been deluded into to thinking that most whites have even a grain of humanity in them to begin with.

I am going to post a poem I wrote years ago because here, it is most appropriate.


My hatred of you intensifies every single day.
“Hate is self-destructive,” is all you have to say.

To hell with your hypocrisy for you are one to talk.
With put-on airs of sainthood, when have you walked the walk?

I’m not treated as your equal; I’ve only been a tool.
Your shit stops here with me, I will never be your fool.

If you sling hate long enough, just watch and it will stick.
And no matter what you do to me, my color would be my pick.

Don’t lecture me on hate and what it will propagate.
What your hate of me has sown are more fertile seeds of hate.

When those who look like me were imprisoned everyday
And those who look like you just turned the other way.

When I was not employed because my skin was just too dark,
you fueled the flames of hate in me; you lit the final spark.

You planted all these seeds and now you get to watch them grow.
Your house of cards will soon collapse just like a domino.

Oh, don’t tell me how surprised you are as that would be a lie.
You can bet on your nasty ass, my hate for you will never die.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

I wrote this back in 2014 and I still mean every goddamn word! Never you doubt it! Also, your house of cards IS collapsing. I’m loving it! Whites finally warring with whites. Yeah! That is truly something to celebrate. In fact, I just broke out an expensive bottle of champagne to celebrate this momentous occasion. “Cheers!” 🍾🥂

Michelle Obama Slanders Black Men in Her Book, Adds to the Obama Family’s Long Anti-Black Tradition Danny Haiphong, Black Agenda Report Contributor


Once again, Danny Haiphong, tells it like is.

Nowhere is this clearer than in the very words that have come out of the mouths of both members of the Obama “power couple.” At a recent speaking event at the Barclay’s Center in New York City, Michelle Obama had this to say about Barack Obama:

“I had never met a black dude like Barack Obama. Not only his background and where he had traveled and who his parents were and he was always very introspective and he had been a community organizer. I hadn’t met a Harvard black dude who had been a community organizer in neighborhoods on the far south side where most people in the firm didn’t know those neighborhoods, he had been all up in those neighborhoods and those churches. So he understood the community in a full way but he was not arrogant, he was humble. I also liked the way he treated others.” – Michelle Obama

Her father and her brother are both pieces of shit? So, she was finally impressed by meeting a Kenyan born asswipe whose mother was a pasty-assed parasite and whose father was a black-assed motherfucker from Kenya who traveled all over the place whereupon it has been reported that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and since there are hardly any descendants of slaves born in Hawaii, this coonhead bitch sat up and took notice of what was to become a drone striking, warmongering, criminal piece of filthy, dirty shit?

Why doesn’t this bitch ask those whom her husband drone struck over in Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, Libya and Somalia if they’ve “ever met a black dude like Barack Obama?” Because I am quite sure that the people who were introduced to drones by Obama did not get that “he was humble” as opposed to an arrogant, conceited, war criminal who should be behind bars for the war crimes that he has committed for the eight long years his criminal ass sat in the Oval Office.

Obama dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama’s reign

 The US dropped nearly three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day. The Obama administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs. This means that every day last year, the US military blasted combatants or civilians overseas with 72 bombs; that’s three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day. 

While most of these air attacks were in Syria and Iraq, US bombs also rained down on people in Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. That’s seven majority-Muslim countries.

One bombing technique that President Obama championed is drone strikes. As drone-warrior-in-chief, he spread the use of drones outside the declared battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, mainly to Pakistan and Yemen. Obama authorized over 10 times more drone strikes than George W Bush, and automatically painted all males of military age in these regions as combatants, making them fair game for remote controlled killing.

That bitch, Michelle Obama, is lauding a murdering piece of filth that should not even be able to lay claim to having been the first Black president. He is not of ‘descendants of slaves’ and that is what should qualify him to be the first Black president and since he was not a ‘descendant of slaves’, then he was not the first Black president. That Afrisite, which is the product of an African and a pasty-assed parasite, does not have our slave heritage. There has been no first Black president. Just because whitey pasty ass says so, does not make it so and it ain’t so!

An old dog has trouble learning new tricks, especially if that dog is on the leash of the monopoly capitalist class. Michelle Obama continues to insult Black men because it is advantageous to the family. Barack and Michelle Obama are raking in hundreds of millions from books, speaking tours, and investments in gentrification in cities such as Chicago. When it comes to imperialism, it pays to be anti-Black. Ant-Black tirades are profitable, especially for a family currently building a post-Presidential fortune for diligently serving and directing the forces that incarcerate, murder, and impoverish Black Americans across the nation.

Descendants of slaves are actually buying this bitch’s book and lauding the hell out of it as though she is some sort of saint that walks on water. This bitch despises, loathes, hates and has nothing but contempt for descendants of slaves and they don’t even have the sense god gave a goat to see that. You fools will take up with the devil if he has a Black complexion. You fall for any and everything and why I waste my time on you ignorant assholes, I’ll never know because it really is a waste of time trying to get through to you and yet there are people out in the trenches daily trying to undo the shit you get yourselves caught up in because you are just too stupid for words. You will pick up what your enemy has put down before you because you cannot see anything beyond the color of the skin of the piece of filth that whitey pasty ass has placed before you to bamboozle your stupid ass!

The book this bitch put out is titled ‘Becoming….a white man’s warwhore and loving it’! That should be the goddamn title. And as for Barack Obama being humble? Seriously? She done got that fucking shit twisted! Obama is why we have Trump sitting somewhere racist and crazy as hell because people of ALL stripes took a chance and voted for what they thought would be change and look at what they got. People want to claim that whites did nothing to usher in Barack Obama, but that would be a lie because 13% of the population cannot a president, elect. Whites put aside their prejudices and voted for this pile of shit and when he spit in their face just as he did in ALL our faces, Trump is the result. Yes indeed, Michelle’s ‘humble, black dude’, fooled us all!


Behold, The Face Of Evil!

They picked him very carefully as all the world can see.
He’s easy on the eye and with a great personality.

Those who went before him set the stage for what would come.
He’s like a phantom in the night; we ask, “Where is he really from?”

Oh how little did we know, he’d bring destruction in his wake.
No Robin Hood he is, from the rich he does not take.

He’s a banker’s friend; a corporate tool who’s sent us spiraling down.
He hails from a gangster’s paradise in a city called, “chi-town.”

He’s led us straight to hell and he’s smiled the journey long.
We crashed upon the rocks as though he’d sung the siren’s song.

What’s left is barren land and the poor are all but dead.
Those who could not lose, put a bullet through their head.

The serfs are drudging painfully as they keep the rich afloat.
They’re scared to make a sound; they dare not rock the boat.

Their fate would be just like the rest; that’s not to be endured.
The Black man lent his face and the white man was assured,
that all would be as he declared; no detail left to chance.
The white man pulls the strings of the Black man in the manse.

Written by,

Shelby I. Courtland

©2013 Shelby I. Courtland

The white puppet masters pulled the strings behind the charming, smiling, engaging, false, fake-ass face of Barack Obama, a puppet bought with blood money. He was a willing tool for those who consider themselves to be the elite. They are nothing more than worthless scum; depraved, lying, greedy, deceitful crooks with no compassion or morality. They are why we are constantly at war. They are why people are working for poverty wages. They are why we have homeless, hungry and uninsured people in this world. The hopeless, sunken eyed, gaunt people of the world watch and they wait……and they die because billions of people, as far as the elite fucks are concerned, are expendable and don’t deserve to live. If you are reading this, then you are just as expendable to those nasty bastards as I am and they will soon make a believer out of you! Don’t think so? Wait for it and I feel that you will not have long to wait! But while you wait, go out and buy this bitch’s book and see if it will warm you on a cold winter’s night when you’re out on the streets because whites don’t have any use for you. You can’t play baseball, football, nor can you jump and play basketball. But call fucking Michelle Obama and see if she’ll help your ass out. Yeah, good luck with that! Attend her book signing and ask for her assistance, you’ll find yourself behind bars so fast, your head’ll be spinning. But she’ll be saying that she found a nice, warm spot for you to lay your fucking head, in jail!


Friendly Fire In Afghanistan


Was it ‘friendly fire’ or the MOAB(Mother Of All Bombs)that killed two service men in Afghanistan?

Friendly fire may have killed 2 Army Rangers in AfghanistanThe Defense Department on Friday released the names of two Army Rangers who died during a raid on a compound in Afghanistan on Thursday.

Sgt. Joshua P. Rodgers, 22, and Sgt. Cameron H. Thomas, 23, were killed by small arms fire during an operation targeting the emir of the Afghan branch of the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) in Nangarhar province, the Pentagon said.

The Pentagon is investigating whether the soldiers died as a result of friendly fire.

Excuse me, but why is the U.S. military even in Afghanistan? What useful purpose is being served there? What is our business with Afghanistan? And what the hell is ‘friendly fire’?

So many questions, but are there any answers that sound truthful. We have heard that the U.S. is in Afghanistan because of 9/11 saying that Osama bin Laden, my darling, was the mastermind behind 9/11. So, if bin Laden was killed in Pakistan, why is the U.S. military still bombing Afghanistan over a decade later? And why are we concerned that, and this is according to the Pentagon, Afghan soldiers cannot contain the Taliban? The Taliban is not here in America and so what business is it of ours if the Afghan government is having some problems with some folks in their own country? We are having problems with homegrown terrorists here in America, namely skinhead groups and such like but we would not stand for Afghanistan to send soldiers over here to ‘take care of our terrorist problem’ and we all know this. They can spin the hell out of the truth, but the truth of the matter is the U.S. military is in Afghanistan to protect those poppy plants to make sure that opioids make it to the U.S. since opium is big business here. Our economy is actually propped up by the drug trade. Just ask the big banks that were kept afloat in the 2008 economic meltdown. You didn’t seriously think a paltry little stimulus package bolstered the economy and since we are broke, what taxpayer funds did the government come up with to prop up the banks? With over $16 trillion dollars of U.S. debt floating around out there, how in the hell did the U.S. government come up with the funds to prop up the banks with our so-called tax dollars when we are flat broke and skint?

Aw hell! I’ve not answered one question, I’ve only added more to what I’ve already asked. But maybe in a roundabout way, I did indeed answer the question of what the hell the U.S. military is still doing in Afghanistan and why we are dropping the MOAB and reading about U.S. soldiers getting killed via ‘friendly fire’, the kind of fire power that you, apparently, shouldn’t mind dying by since a ‘friend’ filled your ass with lead unlike if it was someone you didn’t know. It’s kind of like that ‘collateral damage’ thing whereas you get yourself unintentionally killed because you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and you find yourself dead, but died knowing that you weren’t meant to be dead, it was all just accidental like. Damn! Shit happens, ya know.

What we have here is yet another Vietnam; an unwinnable war. We are sending our young people into yet another quagmire that is just an endless assembly line leading to death; both of soldiers abroad and of citizens in the homeland thanks to opioid addiction which is the real and true reason our soldiers are in Afghanistan. There is nothing honorable about what we are fighting for in Afghanistan. We are not attempting to aid the Afghan forces in their conquering of the Taliban. Those lies are as transparent as glass. If there was nothing to be gained, we would not even know that Afghanistan exists. We’re not over in Haiti, are we? There’s nothing to be pillaged and stolen from Haiti because since the last hurricane and the subsequent fundraising that was done on a massive scale and was promptly consigned to the coffers of The Clinton Foundation, Haiti has largely been forgotten. But not so much Afghanistan.

And just as with what is going down in North Korea, Trump is not concerned about nuclear bombs in North Korea, the concern is geopolitical and that is why China has amassed troops at the border and so has Russia. It is all about ‘the pivot to Asia’ and whoever controls the Korean Peninsular has great influence in that area, hence why all sides are attempting to negotiate a way out of the North Korean dilemma. So once more, U.S. military personnel and aircraft carriers are sitting at the ready to make sure that America does not lose out on the vast untapped resource that is Southeast Asia. The United States is defunct. The dollar is being abandoned, worldwide and the U.S. is no longer being regarded as top dog, just A dog. There is no world power left that is respectful of the U.S. That ship has sailed and the behind the scenes puppet masters that control the U.S. government are well aware of this and there is no longer any pretense that we matter. Just look at what happened the other day, Trump just cut taxes on corporations AGAIN while saddling America’s poor with that fallout and more debt; including those in his base who voted most enthusiastically for him. But they are too stupid to even understand the impact that Trump’s tax laws are going to have on them. As long as they think Trump just stands for “Keep minorities in their place,” that is all they care about, for now. But even they will eventually feel the effects of what is coming down the pike.

The global elites are just working themselves around this entire globe sucking the life and resources out of every country they encounter until all is just a barren wasteland because you see, quite honestly, riches don’t make for happiness because if it did, we’d have some happy elites just enjoying being rich but that is not enough for them and since money can only buy things and people, it cannot buy happiness or contentment, it would seem and so boredom sets in and there’s nothing to live for because worms like that don’t love. They don’t care about life and would have no problem with ordering the nuclear annihilation of us all. They’ve made it so that the vast majority of Americans are obese, sick and stupid and unfortunately, this is spreading, worldwide, hence the reason we are sitting somewhere with a needle in our arm but are still believing every word that’s uttered out of the lying mouths of our politicians who are mere stooges for the puppet masters.

But as usual, I digress.

Sgt. Joshua P. Rodgers, 22, and Sgt. Cameron H. Thomas, 23, were killed in action in Afghanistan on April 27, 2017 CloseDefense Department
Rodgers was from Bloomington, Illinois, and Thomas was from Kettering, Ohio. Both were on their third deployments to Afghanistan.

Can you believe that? A 22-year old and a 23-year old are dead and both were on their THIRD deployment to Afghanistan. I just cannot wrap my head around that. So, they left boot camp, was sent into Afghanistan, came home, went back to Afghanistan, came home, went back to Afghanistan and then was killed, presumably, by ‘friendly fire’. Don’t that beat all! They were somewhere where they had no business being in the first place, three times and then was killed by their fellow soldiers. So, who did the Mother Of All Bombs kill? Because if the MOAB did what it was intended to do then why weren’t these two packed and waiting on a plane to carry them back to the states? Because just like in Vietnam, the so-called ‘enemy’ is not so easy to get at. What happens when you are in unfamiliar territory? You are at a distinct disadvantage and all the military equipment you can carry is not going to give you an advantage over people who can navigate the terrain in their sleep while the only thing you can do is remember to duck like you were taught in boot camp, but quite apparently, you cannot duck enough when it’s your own men shooting at you.

And so, our youth will continue to suit up, protect poppy plants, get shot by ‘friendly fire’, drop some more MOABs on Afghanistan and there will be no exit strategy so long as there is one poppy left to be harvested in a field. And we say we care about the serious epidemic of opioid addiction. If we did, then there would be not one U.S. soldier still stationed in Afghanistan, much less dying by ‘friendly fire’ there.

Obama To China, “Stop Construction In South China Sea Or……!”

shit stirring in South China Sea


Or what, Obama? What the fuck are YOU going to do if China does not stop construction in the South China Sea? What? Are you going to send the CIA/ISIS ‘moderate’ rebels that were ‘vetted’ by John ‘mad dog’ McCain over to China and fuck China up? Are you going to tell NATO to do to China what the U.S./NATO did to Libya? Are you going to declare war on China just as George W. ‘stupid’ Bush declared war on Iraq? Are you going to hype up some propaganda and outright lies against China just as Bush did with Iraq? Are you going to AGAIN, point out that China is a communist country and that her people have no rights? Newsfuckingflash! The U.S. is a goddamn communist country and the people of the U.S. have no goddamn rights! How many rights did Sandra Bland have? Have many rights did Eric Garner have? Have many rights did Renisha McBride have? Have many rights did Aiyana Jones have? Freddie Gray? Walter Scott? John Crawford? Michael Brown? But you want to tell China to stop construction in the South China Sea but how many goddamn times have you told the racist ass cops to back the fuck up off Black citizens and stop killing our ass? How many times did your former Department of Justice head, Eric Holder step up and go to bat for the Black people that are incarcerated on bullshit charges? And what’s the new coonface doing about the problem of Black mass incarceration? Oh, that’s right! What problem? There ain’t a goddamn problem, not in your motherfucking book. Because you’re looking out for the whites that make a killing off private prisons. How many of them are going to bankroll your ass when you leave the White House?

But hell! I digress! What are you going to do about the $1.23 trillion dollars of U.S. debt that China is holding? Crickets chirping over that one. That’s what I thought. So what now? Are you going to disconnect China’s internet service? Are you going to smack China’s General Secretary, Xi Jinping, with your glove and call him out? Choice of weapons at dawn? Are you going to turn the ships away from America that are filled to the brim with cheap Chinese junk? I didn’t fucking think so because there goes Wal-Mart’s, Targets, Kmart’s, Dollar Trees, Dollar Generals, Family Dollars, China Dollars, Bleed A Dollars sales. AGAIN! What are you going to do to the Chinese if they don’t stop construction in the South China Sea?

Oh, you can intimidate, bully and threaten Germany and France and Canada and almost all other countries and nations, but you sure as hell cannot browbeat China with useless ass threats. Just ask Russian president, Vladimir Putin. Yep, with your sanctions against Russia, you sure showed them. Not only did Russia give over when it came to the situation in Ukraine, but Russia has also turned Edward Snowden over to you, hasn’t he and the Russians aren’t over in Syria helping Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad fight your CIA trained ISIS ‘moderate’ rebel terrorists, are they? Yeah! Russia and China, Iran and North Korea are shaking in their boots and worrying what your mentally ill military whores are going to do if you had the balls to order ‘boots on the ground’ in China, Russia, Iran and North Korea! They’re all quaking in mortal terror because America is shit! Pure unadulterated shit!

You see, China and Russia are not just another Syria and Libya and Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen and Pakistan. Oh no! You can’t just send in your CIA goons to pay off ‘moderate’ rebels, hand them some weapons and then all hell breaks loose. Yeah! That’s the standard norm for countries like Syria, Libya, Iraq and so forth and so on, but that shit is not going to work with China. No, you’ve got to put some serious thought into what you’re going to do if China refuses to listen to you and they’ve already told you to “Fuck off!”

Beijing said Wednesday US President Barack Obama should not get involved in disputes in the South China Sea, after he demanded an end to artificial island building in the hotly contested region.

“The United States should stop playing up the South China Sea issue, stop heightening tensions in the South China Sea and stop complicating disputes in the South China Sea,” Hong Lei, a foreign ministry spokesman, said at a regular press briefing in Beijing.

And this was in response to Obama’s insistence that China cease with the construction of islands in the South China Sea because according to President Benigno S. Aquino III of the Philippines, the South China Sea is disputed territory and even though the U.S. has a military base in the Philippines, that’s not a problem, but China had better not set up shop there.

My bad! Obama did show the Chinese that he meant business.

On Tuesday, he[Obama] announced $250 million in military contributions to several Asian nations to support their efforts to stand up to China.

“Yep, I am going to throw $250 million taxpayer dollars, I mean….contributions to you guys to encourage you to stand up to that really,really mean bully, China. They are such communists, while we are so democratic. We bomb countries for humanitarian reasons. Just ask Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan and I am sure that I have left some sorry ass Middle Eastern country off the list. I would send in the CIA/ISIS guys, but I don’t think the Chinese would fall for THAT. And quite honestly, that is ALWAYS the script for bringing chaos, pandemonium and bedlam to the Middle East. You see, we’re the GOOD guys and never you doubt it! Just ask France! We’re why they just had that really big false-flag ISIS operation go down. The French are bombing the hell out of ISIS now! Soon, we’ll have everyone on board. Gee! This is great! Now if I can just get the entire Asia-Pacific region to go at it, we shall have worldwide chaos, pandemonium and bedlam. And actually, I belong in Bedlam just as soon as the ICC indicts me for war crimes and I get a commuted sentence and then with my connections, I’ll get to do a short stint in Bedlam, come out and make a mint on my speeches. Ain’t life grand?”


And I am to call that lying, hypocritical slithering, corrupt, slimy war criminal sleazebag “president?” Fuck that shit!



Bowels, The Dick And All Things, Monstrous!

dickhead monstrosity


A source imbedded deep within the bowels of the Pentagon has unearthed a secret so shocking that it could ultimately bring down the empire, America. Unlike what occurred in Rome, the American Empire will not rise from the ashes of its complete and utter annihilation. Entrusted with this secret is a lady of impeccable honesty, integrity and morality. Never has she been known to sell herself or her information to the highest bidder despite the fact of her surviving slavery, torture, imprisonment and a sloppy, wet kiss, The Dick(Cheney) planted on her ass when she told him to kiss it. Unfortunately, he proceeded to kiss her ass BEFORE she was able to complete her sentence that ended with, “But only from a goddamn distance!” Thus his need for a heart transplant since she embedded one of her 18” stiletto heels deep inside his chest!


Frau Courtland is a double agent and her double has been busily uncovering that which would have forever remained covered but for the fact of Frau Courtland’s thirst for adventure, her love of truth and her love for humanity. Much has been risked by the intrepid and resourceful Frau Courtland. She has been sleep deprived, water boarded, rectally hydrated and forced to endure indignities so deplorable, they have been removed like Hillary Clinton’s emails, so as not to be seen by the naked eye of an investigative committee, assuming that such a committee was called in to investigate what will never be investigated unless the UN steps in and sends a special rapporteur  to ‘look into the matter’ just as the UN sends a special rapporteur in to denounce U.S. violations of the human rights of Indigenous Peoples and prisoners and after the denouncement, all UN official business must cease as not one United Nations nation wishes to evoke the wrath of the empire. Just ask the people of Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Libya, Vietnam, the Philippines, Bolivia, Guatemala, Brazil, Japan, Ukraine, uh…need I continue? No? Of course, I needn’t.


In the process of recovering from a near drone strike, Frau Courtland, from her bed of injury,( her bed was injured as well), would like the world to know that soon, the secret that she possesses and is in possession of her, will be shared with the world. She will expose the fact of Osama bin Laden’s paradise hideout in the Polynesian Islands; yes, he is still alive despite being on dialysis and despite his alleged death at the hands of Seal Team 6. You see, there was always more than one Osama bin Laden. One of the Laden’s has managed to head up an ISIS team in Syria. Another Laden is on a mission to terrorize the people of Iraq. And still another is headed to the nether regions of Siberia to duke it out with the Ruskies.


Unbeknownst to the world, the U.S. has been secretly kidnapping small children for the sole purpose of promoting orgies for Bill Clinton, Karl Rove, the Koch brothers, John Boehner, John McCain and the list is endless. These revelations will make the DC madam look like a Sunday school teacher, which Frau Courtland was at one point in time. It took many, many years to rid her of the brainwashing that organized crime religion forced on her. But Frau Courtland’s will was stronger than any stories of fairy gods in the sky or of a man that walked on water, not to mention, a man that parted the Red Sea. And even when she was forced by her undercover assignments to deal with neo-Nazis, Frau Cortland was never once seen extending her arm and shouting, “Heil Hitler!” Her cause was a just cause. Her cause was the finding out of the truth and identifying the shit stirrers behind the rise of neo-Nazis in Ukraine, not to mention she infiltrated a CIA secret facility that was set up to clone The Dick and that facility is located off the coast of Monstrously Tortured Island in the middle of the Indian Ocean where The Dick and his ilk carry out untold abominations on innocent, unlawfully detained secret prisoners. They boldly torture with impunity and The Dick’s loud and lascivious laughter can be heard far away at an outpost in Siberia when upon hearing this raucous sound, the residents blanch and dive for cover, even the Laden.


The proof of these vile crimes against humanity will be brought into the light of day where they will begin to smoke and the stench of evil must be cleansed for the only way to purify evil is by fire. And the day of reckoning fast approaches. Fear not, for the reign of terror is near at hand. America must descend into the depths of Hades. Soon ALL shall be revealed! Oh damn! You guys already know about all of that. Never mind then, I’ll keep digging until I can reveal something. Anybody got anything ‘cause I got nothing? I forgot to mention, I am now German. Apparently, I have a ‘German’ look about me, or so I was told the other day. Ain’t no goddamn “Heil Hitler!” coming from me and that’s for damn certain! Does Frau Courtland have an evil sounding ring to it? Eh? Just as I thought! “Mein Gott!”

No One Gives A Damn About His Dream!

the dream

Yes, let us celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Day when we don’t give a damn about his dream. His children don’t even give a damn about his dream since they are too busy fighting over his Bible and his Nobel Peace Prize. So when did they ever listen to any one of their father’s speeches? When did they ever take just one to heart? It is quite obvious that they never did and neither do we. Oh we dutifully put his image up for all to see as if we are actually doing something and the truth is, we’re not doing a damn thing about realizing the dream that this man had. And quite frankly, he is not the only one to have a dream. Many, many Black people have been dreaming of a society where they will not be “judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character” and is that the case? If you are Black, you will forever be judged by the color of your skin because as far as whites are concerned, you have no ‘content of character’.

Just recently we marched and protested that #BlackLivesMatter and for all I know, some are still protesting, but do Black lives matter? Answer this. How many world leaders came to America and stood front and center in front of a million people to say “#Je suis Black?” How many world leaders went to Nigeria when Boko Haram killed over 2,000 Nigerians and said “#Je suis Nigeria?” Did Netanyahu? Did Angela Merkel? Did Francois Hollande? Of course they didn’t.

“French President Francois Hollande is surrounded by Heads of state including (LtoR) Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mali’s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, European Council President Donald Tusk, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and Switzerland’s President Simonetta Sommaruga” ‘to protest the murders of Charlie Hebdo employees, employees of a piece of filth rag claimed as a satirical political weekly that produced racist and blasphemous filth. But still, some white folks got killed over their ‘freedom of expression’ and so solidarity was called for’.


To those people, Black and Brown lives don’t matter. White lives do. It doesn’t matter how vile whites are and how much corruption they spread and how greedy they are. Their lives are the only lives that matter. It has always been this way and it will always be this way. These are the ‘people’ that you march and protest to and who you want to correct wrongs. Think about it. Why should they? They don’t care about you. Michael Jackson told you that but you believed all the lies put out on him by the whites. They tore that man’s reputation to shreds because he had a message and through his talent, he spoke. But he got silenced. Whitney Houston had the most beautiful voice that I have ever heard and yet, where is she? Dead and buried and some filthy slut named Beyoncé is strutting around in nothing, sounding like shit. And if it’s not her crooning to her piece of filth pimp, it’s Nicki Minaj doing much of the same. And what are the Black men of today doing besides rapping about bling and hoes or getting their bodies mucked up playing sports? Yes, we are realizing the dream, aren’t we?

Today we commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King’s accomplishments; the success of the Civil Rights Movement when in fact, the movement was not a success. It was an unmitigated failure. What has changed since Martin Luther King marched along with all the others who peacefully gathered to have their grievances heard? Not a goddamn thing. The same issues and problems that Dr. King’s marchers faced, we face today; only our tormenters have upped the ante. We’re now shot with rubber bullets and tear gassed, but we are still jailed. That’s a given and never will it be any different. And why are we still marching? We were marching in the 1960s and here we are in 2015, still marching for the same damn things. What’s the point? Who needs to become aware of what we are marching for? They already know. It’s not going to change, that’s what those of you who are still marching need to know. If you haven’t figured out that since the same shit is stil in play 50 years after the Selma to Montgomery march, then your marching ain’t gonna change a damn thing because since when have Black lives mattered?

The people that you want to change things are not going to change them. They like things just the way they are and that is why the police force has been militarized, that is why Black bodies are lying in morgues all across this shithole called America, that is why inner city schools have become a pipeline to prison for little Black children, that is why slavery in the form of the prison industrial complex is necessary, to house the slaves who ‘slave’ away for corporations, producing goods at a fraction of the cost. And those of us on the outside, head right inside a store and purchase what slaves have made. We are slaving away at stupid jobs to purchase what other slaves have produced. But we will continue to march and we will continue to protest and dream and hope and wish and pray and maybe someday, someday, someday, those who we want to see our marches will realize that this is all so wrong and they will then right the wrongs. Stop lying to yourself and stop dreaming. Dreams are for people who are asleep and don’t want to wake up because reality sucks. It stinks. No one is going to realize your dream for you but you.

The powerful that control all of us are not going to loosen their grip. They are not going to stop being corrupt, greedy, deceitful and instead are going to recognize that they should share in the wealth that they have acquired by the fact of your making it possible by your willingness to work for peanuts, by your willingness to indebt yourselves to them to purchase what slaves are producing, including you. We are all slaves. We are all enclosed in our own little cages. We have the illusion of freedom, some of us, but not many. We pretend that we have rights and freedom and that our lives are lived how we choose. No, it’s not. What you do with your life has been chosen for you. You are doing exactly what the powerful choose for you to do, no more and no less. Step out of line and see how fast you find your ass handed to you. You don’t think that all of this surveillance is for your own good, do you? It is to keep tabs on you. You need a passport to go anywhere. You need an ID to show everybody. You need a number assigned to you. You have a FICO score. Your medical records are digital. That means that every government agency knows where you shop, what you drive, where you go, who you talk to, what your medical conditions are and how much money you make, where you spend it and on what. Does that sound like freedom to you? Are you marching against that? If so, why? What do you hope to accomplish? I’ll tell you what you are going to accomplish by marching. Not a damn thing. You are owned. We all are. This is all an illusion. We are in the matrix, but the matrix that we are in, there is no Oracle and no savior. You’re on your own, just as all the rest of us are. We are here until we’re dead. Accept it.

So, remember Dr. King today. Thank him for all his sacrifices because you are where you are today because of Dr. King and all the others who marched and protested to get you where you are. And where would that be? You’ve just finished college and started a job. Good! Now, pay back that student loan. You are flipping burgers and you are sick and tired of it. Too bad! What else are you going to do? You are filing endless forms in an office and thinking about a vacation you’ll probably never get to take because you’ve got mouths to feed. I’m sorry. Keep dreaming. Dream on, fellow matrix dwellers, dream on!

Oh and Je suis Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.! Je suis Charlie got pretend solidarity from the world’s leaders in France, but damn it if they even bothered to pretend solidarity with the murdered Nigerians or the murdered young Black men in America, murdered by racist ass cops, or the drone-struck and bombed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Ukraine, Gaza ……” Never forget, it’s white bodies that matter and Dr. King’s dream will never be realized because Dr. King could not say “Je suis white!”

The Red Cross Is Spreading Ebola!


The lies just never stop coming.
And the tales just get so tall.
Here comes one more down the pike,
and for another lie, we fall.

Whatever happened to the truth
was it banished from the earth?
Did we lock it up and toss the key,
and give truth the widest berth?

The Red Cross is spreading Ebola,
to the Blacks who have the oil.
America’s going to bomb them,
unless this plot of theirs, we foil.

It seems that diamonds aren’t being mined.
Those who worked the mines just quit.
The West must have those riches,
and the Red Cross will do its bit.

Oh beware of their vaccines,
you don’t know what’s in that mess.
What is true is not so true,
and the liars won’t confess.

Life don’t mean a thing.
Its value falls each passing day.
And when we think that all is lost,
that’s because it is in every way.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

Ebola ‘Caused by Red Cross’

While health workers are struggling to contain the outbreak, conspiracy theories about the deadly pandemic are proliferating on the internet, with people deeming the virus a creation of the West to annihilate Africans or as the result of bioterrorism activities.

The latest of these theories involves a Ghanaian man who claims the virus does not exist and that people are dying after they receive vaccinations by the Red Cross.

News website the Event Chronicle republished the post allegedly written by Nana Kwame, from Ghana’s capital Accra, who claimed that the deadly virus is just an invention and “people in the Western World need to know what’s happening here in West Africa.

“Ebola it is only contracted by those who receive treatments and injections from the Red Cross, the post said, adding that the virus “was invented” to allow western troops on African soil.

“…to allow western troops on African soil. Doesn’t sound so farfetched to me!


Conspiracy or truth? You be the judge.

US will send 3,000 troops to help fight Ebola in West Africa

The Obama administration is ramping up its response to West Africa’s Ebola crisis, preparing to assign 3,000 US military personnel to the afflicted region.

“This humanitarian intervention….” Uh oh! That NEVER ends well when the U.S. military is involved. Humanitarian intervention from the U.S.? Get real! Why? Keep reading!

How the CIA’s Fake Vaccination Campaign Endangers Us All

The U.S. was wrong to use health workers to target Osama bin Laden

In its zeal to identify bin Laden or his family, the CIA used a sham hepatitis B vaccination project to collect DNA in the neighborhood where he was hiding. The effort apparently failed, but the violation of trust threatens to set back global public health efforts by decades.

It is hard enough to distribute, for example, polio vaccines to children in desperately poor, politically unstable regions that are rife with 10-year-old rumors that the medicine is a Western plot to sterilize girls—false assertions that have long since been repudiated by the Nigerian religious leaders who first promoted them. Now along come numerous credible reports of a vaccination campaign that is part of a CIA plot—one the U.S. has not denied.

…and people want to call everything a ‘conspiracy’. Are you getting a clue as to why? If not, read up on the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment and then keep reading and you will find the Guatemalan STD Study. So, when you have the U.S. intentionally using bioterrorism such as what occurred in Pakistan without any consideration at all for what could happen, why would it not be plausible for an organization that is as rife with corruption as the Red Cross is to be in co-hoots with the Obama Administration’s agenda in Africa?

For those of you who think the Red Cross is on the up and up, keep reading.

Mar 12, 2010 – Senators question $1 million pay for charity’s CEO – wtop.com … Red Cross only gives $.07 on every dollar to the people in need.

And to think that many of us have a problem dropping a dime into a cup held in the hand of a homeless person because we fear that he or she will only get drunk. Why is it that we do not hold executives of the so-called ‘charitable organizations’ to the same standards? You have no problem dropping $50.00 or more into the coffers of the Red Cross when according to reports only .07 out of each dollar will actually go to those in need. So, are you still wondering why there are so many in need? If you are, ask the CEO of a ‘charity’ the Red Cross, ‘why’?


They Are Not After Me!


…and though I rage at the system in place,
at my own inadequacies, I don’t want to face.

When I turn away from a homeless man,
I know that I am not doing all that I can.

And how many times have I helped the victims of hate?
When have I found myself stepping up to the plate?

When I ask myself, “What about the sick and the hungry,
and what help did I offer to a strung out junkie?”

When bombs are dropped on innocent heads,
they say, “Look at all the tears she sheds!”

I stand around and cry crocodile tears,
and then I shut the door on all my fears.

I am so afraid of the horrors I see.
For if they are busy killing you, they are not after me!

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

Keep thinking that ‘they’ll’ not be after you! ‘They’ intend on handing each of us our ass on a platter. It is just a matter of time and time is what we’re all fast running out of! Just look around you, the world is on fire from Gaza to Iraq, from Ukraine to Qatar, from Libya to Afghanistan, from Syria to Darfur, from Yemen to Somalia, from Pakistan to Venezuela, from Honduras to Guatemala, from Detroit MI to Stockton CA, from the tunnels of the homeless in Las Vegas NV to the homeless street walkers in Atlantic City NJ, from the slums of Calcutta to the sweatshops of Bangladesh and they are coming for you and for me!

Enemies From Different Lands


Think no thought that peace will ever reign.
There is no hope, for the evil are insane.

Lead us into temptation to destroy humanity.
And so it will begin, another war is our destiny.

How is it that children grow to hate?
We have been taught that what is yours is ours to take.

Kindness, gentleness and compassion have been dead for years.
Jealousy, envy, fear and loathing are thrust into hearts like spears.

The ones who lead us will never admit that they are wrong.
And those who do the fighting will keep at it all the day long.

Yes, evil is insane and the godless hold our fate in their hands.
We have no future, if we are all enemies from different lands.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland

The World Is Tired Of The Western Whore!


Oh yes, I long for you to die!
You know only too well, the reasons why.

What evil sons of bitches all of you are,
as you deploy your weapons, both near and far.

You scream, “Democracy!” as you drop a bomb.
And you do it with so much aplomb.

You’re a liar, a hypocrite, a thief and a snake.
You murder and plunder, leaving death in your wake.

You’re archaic, obsolete and you’re not needed anymore.
The world is tired of the western whore.

You’re diseased and contagious; someone pull the plug.
There’s no cure for you, no pharmaceutical drug.

Die already and never come back.
The world is tired of your need to attack.

Peace could be had if only you’d die.
No drone would fly through a clear, night sky.

A mother in Pakistan could finally stop crying.
Guantanamo would close and no more spying.

So much would change if you dropped dead.
It’s time to stop the madness; you’re why the whole world has bled.

Written by,
Shelby I. Courtland
©2014 Shelby I. Courtland